Now that Nationalism is on the rise, not just in Italy (being the first EU nation to be taken into lock down because of the massive rise) but I beleive it to be across the planet, the main focus being on the “Jewish question” one can only conclude that this new mysterious corona virus pland’emic has been a great way to deflect attention away from the (((perpetrators))) of chaos. Listen to this “public notice” from Nathanael the Jew.
What next? Well Britain’s 2020 May elections have been suspended for year; is this the next level before they blanket martial law across our nation. Meanwhile border control turns a blind eye to a new mass immigration flood across the whole of Europe.
Beware the well-poisoners with their (((Pland’emic))).… Love from Israel’s puppet nation “Communist China”;
Whether it be real” or not” one must consider logic before panic.
For those of you who are still trying to make sense of Britain’s “buy toilet roll panic” as we go into lock down, nothing will make sense until the real target” “Europe’s economy” starts sinking into the abyss and a new monetary system comes in and clears the board in a computer generated accounts exercise that will re-con’figure all your pensions and inheritance into Israel’s “Jew World Order”. It’s at this point that your toilet roll investment will begin to see dividends in what will be a well-deserved “bowel movement” as you ponder…. “WTF happened”
Check out the Stock market “Pandemic and Immigration Bonds/Tier 1 category …….. Oy Vey!!!
From my blog post “Israel’s Jackal”
The Long March
“For Israel to mobilize a major part of its global Police force “China”, the nation/people of China would have to believe a major financial catastrophe is looming and one such example that stinks of mortgage manipulation meant to brace up the Chinese while instilling a false sense of security in the west is the recent article in the (((Telegraph Jws’paper))) 26th April 2019 “China can no longer afford the Silk Road, and that is a blessing for the world”..
But! One must consider Israel/Jw’s being the “Shetar” global accountants in the background, always holding “foreseen bail out solutions” Will trigger another major situation in the west that will enable them to send forth the rest of their customers (China’s military) to protect “China’s offshore land banks” which are already being manned and secured in ie Africa, Canada, UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc to name but a few. It doesn’t take a genius to work such an outcome for “Hypothecated/pledge/Shetar contracts” in wait for defaults to justify land transfers as was previously discussed in the “Yiddish Ambush”. Link here..…..
“Israel was destroyed by blood and fire, and Israel will rise by blood and fire”
From the Book: Jewish Terrorist activities and the British Government in Palestine 1939 to 1947 BR Hoffman
The Phony Coroni scam
Continue reading here…… Israel’s Jackal
8 responses to ““Bog Roll” or “Drum Roll””
Absolutely correct! Economic crash and bailouts can be blamed on the virus that is no where near as deadly as the annual regular flu. Corona has about a 2percent mortality.
The 2 pandemic flu bonds are set to mature this coming July and I’m sure that’s not a coincidence
[…] tears as the soccer is banned. Link to the FT article. Link to Communist Chinese stealing fish. Link to ‘Bog Rolls or Drum Rolls’ […]
Brilliant (as ever) and Thank You.
Sayenim Jew posing as Aborigioni stopped and searched at border control Australia only to find poison eucalyptus leaves a symbol of Australia!
Poisoning of the wells (Animal food chain springs to mind)
The well poisoner comes to town and gets caught in the act …
“Well, what better way to pull off the rounding up and execution of political dissidents than under the cover of a pandemic (martial law and extended/forced lock-downs/quarantines, blackouts, food shortages, riots, etc…)? It would be the perfect opportunity to blame the sudden disappearance/deaths of millions of people on something other than the (((usual suspects))), and it is the perfect excuse to prevent us from organizing.”
So now we see the Banking system and stock market scam going into the planned meltdown and the guillable sheep will accept the COVID19 virus as the main cause which will allow the Jewish criminal banker families escape retribution. This scam is allowing them to roll out a new monetry system that will be controlled by the same (((criminals))) after ther planned’emic!!! …all because their “Holocaust£ protection racket and Usury scam is falling appart ……..Oy vey…. business as usual
@Goldenarrow ….Touche ….
The only thing which hasn’t been infected with this global COVID19 is the “national” and “World debt”
It seems the banker criminals are laughing chutzpah at us goyim as they (in this climate) offer us more debt as we sit out the lock down, meantime (((they))) transfer the fictitious debts to a new puppet face (monetary system) to be sure of sustaining both “your national” and overall the “World fictitious debt”
When the reality should be …. “all debts settled” So we goyim can implement a Gottfried Feder economic interest free model void of Jew controll.
Yes a Gottfried Feder economic model based on a “Protectionist Autarky” is the only way forward for each of our respective nations.
While in this plannd’emic there should be an urgent need to reinvigorate our own agrarian/agracultural industries” Imedietly, before our nation goes into a forced famine similar to that which was imposed on the Ukrainians by the Jew Bolshaviks with their 3 Holodomors…
We havnt a clue what these Zio-internationalists have injected into our food chain.
Why do we allow Zio-Communism to look after our medical and food supplies.
Director general of the World health organization “Tedros Adhanom” Israels choice
Also read this re Autarky –
Whatever is nation for people Wisdom is best, no one is alone on this earth. 7 billion humans must / should / not be imprisoned through COVID fear by a bunch of hilarious Financial calculating zelous groups who’s promise to humanity is misery and death. They are lying to us .