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This is a public notice” specifically for! 

United workers with taxiFarmers, Truckers, Bus, Train, Taxi drivers, and other transport and public services across the world…. A peaceful call to action for “Remedy”! 

Our peaceful claim is “Not” a call to arms, and “Not” for malicious intent. It is to bring forth a “Gottfried Feder economic system” for us all!

My priority here is to wake up my English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh folk of these Celt/Anglo Isles known as Britain, or Great Britain…. Men and Women folk of this Archipelago who have been divided and cast adrift by the powers that be, my folk have no other option but to “bond together in one cause” and take out these ZOG puppets who are at “War” with us, having entrapped us in their relentless barrage of slow kill divisive policies that have continuously flowed from the rainbow cancer known as “Parliament”.

The concept of this “civil rights notice” can also be adapted, and applied to other countries across the planet to take down all of “Israel’s controlling ZOG governments.”

Take note:  The American people, and folk from other European nations are already being motivated to kick back, thanks to a small number of determined, “tenacious” and “faithful” patriotic groups …. “möge Gott mit ihnen sein!”.

                                                      “Gottfried Feder is the storm”

Action for Remedy.

We need to take action for remedy Now” against the “Jewish Central Banker Crime Families” (JCBCF) and their “650 ZOG Politicians” who are at War with us, we need to end their “Planned Obsolescence” that has initiated all these slow kill policies that have killed off “heritage”, “culture” and “self-sustaining industry” and kept us in a state of fear.

Stop being afraid of these psychological Psyop’s that delivered the Covid19 toilet roll, anal swab dependency and took our national health system (NHS) to the brink of collapse in order to sell off (in a fire sale) to these same in the loop pirates who are all complicit in the objective of the well poisoners/money changers……

They are laughing at us!

You have to circumvent the controlled “strike action Unions” who have you “disrupting and punishing the public” just to beg the “Democracy trick” for discount fuel, or a decent wage.

These (((ZOG Unions))) have you running in circles to be sure that, when the   impending food, water and energy crisis hits”, the JCBCF, with their controlled   (((Medea))) will see to it that the public and workers are drip fed a divisive debate on who to blame”, which will put you back on the hamster wheel debating “their anti Semantic spin” while they sit back and continue with their objective.Britain’s July 2019 government re-shuffle chose a Jewish PM, dual passport holder!; “Borris Johnson” and in the same lucky spin chose former “aid to Mossad” “MP Pri Patel” as the “New Home Secretary”; then went onto select a former leader of the B’nai B,rth “MP Grant Shapps” now “Foreign Secretary” sitting alongside former Foreign Secretary “Dominic Raab“!  Or what about Britain’s new Zionist Chancellor “Sajid Javid” August 2019 canceled his maiden speech to meet up for a tribal unilateral emergency meeting  with his saboteur counterparts “Steven Mnuchin” and “Larry Kudlow” from US National Economic Council to discus future “kvetching” and “virtue signalling” for their “Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council.” (((their shadow government))) gate keepers here in GB.

These expensive transport strikes are payed from your own pockets and only penalise the public, the worker only ever achieves “crumbs” or a final bill of expense. You get nothing from these well poisoners/money changers, it is a well-planned actuarial science of “cause” and “effect” to protect the Banker and their stock market scam.

The JCBCF are more than happy with the performance of the strikes and boycotts, led by their trained up “Marxists/Communists”, and will remain happy as long as they continue to filter through their “no remedy Unions” ….

The JCBCF have their Unions “Gimping” you into their “problem, reaction, solution scam”, to trigger a perfect storm in order to crash the economy and roll out their “Global reset”, done to clear the road for their “mutant GMO meat and food crops”, which is meant to circumvent and kill off the Hereditary farmer” and consolidate our very own “distribution network” into the hands of their, in the loop shareholders.

Their great reset is coming after the remains of our civil liberties, eventually to be terminated in what will be a cashless society, their ultimate controlling mechanism to destroy the remnants of our European footprint”, a global collectivisation program where owning land and property will be against the (((Global Federation)))”, all done because the apathetic majority sat back and let it happen having been programmed with enough hypnotic distractions that have pointed the majority in the wrong direction.

                                              “We need Feder Jobs, not Union Mobs”

Stop the madness!

It’s time to “regroup and take hold of the reins and lead the way”, kick their feet from under them and “use the momentum” of these “pied piper Union rally’s” to “our advantage”. These puppet unions only help retain the JCBCF who shepherd you like animals/goyim.

Change for the better will only happen if we do the exact opposite to what desperate workers and other folk have been programmed to do…

Workers should not allow these “no remedy Unions” to shepherd and think for the worker. The solvent pied piper Unions have Farmers and Truckers all over the world in a coordinated ambush for the JCBCF chess players to come in and clear the board in one foul swoop.

They are in the process of making self-employment and independence a liability. Chess

It’s now time for the public to assert oneself instead of spectating in the hope that all will be resolved soon because the ballot box is over for us Europeans but let’s use the time to “trigger a referendum” before they move all the boundaries re our “civil rights” to make it impossible to do so.

It takes 5% of the national electorate to trigger such an action… But…take note!..  The War Referendum within their “Democracy trick” allows us “equality of arms” and we only have-to go through the motions of a petition to be sure the ZOG Police don’t contravene their own rules or it will reveal the true objectives of the JCBCF and their Union puppets. Don’t worry about an ultimate count; Once these “No remedy” “strike action Unions” are made null and void, Our “civil rights action” = “The War Referendum” count will be a visual phenomenon that “their puppet Medea” will have difficulty hiding.

The Unions have you in a “defensive position”, cap in hand, the worker and the public need to reverse that, and “attack in the most effective, economical and convenient way possible, it needs to hurt them…Bigggg time….  Done right, and the public will stand with you!

A Constitutional and Legal “War referendum” against the “JCBCF” and “650 Parliamentary puppets” who are already at War with you is the trigger for change.

                                                       “I support The War Referendum”

The Static Force.

A nation can feed itself, but the umbilical to destroying it is the Hereditary Farmer” and “Trucker”

F+T’s need to recognise they are the back bone of Britain’s economy, and the remedy is well within their grasp. (This also applies to other nations.)

F+T’s can’t see their worth having had decades of slow kill policy, rules and regulations consume, not only the F+T’s, but also your families, the F+T’s have been castrated beyond repair. The JCBCF Democracy trick has made the single wage household a distant memory. 

The road for change starts with a “static War Referendum” that can grow from a “static gathering” and could stretch as far as “Land’s End” to “John O’Groats” “waving a tangible plan for change” ….. This is “the logical loophole”, and way forward… “So lets use it!”

It is now, more than ever that Hereditary Farmers”, “Truckers” and “Public transport workers” need to start thinking for yourselves. Get creative with strategy based on the principal I am putting forward and join trusted groups, make sure you choose a strong, and well “scrutinized spokesperson” (keep it tight knit, tasteful and clean), family orientated and be aware of negative gossip, and that “state Unions” with their solvent, “Labour Party Trotsky and Marxist leaders”, and “Anarchist foot soldiers” this “rainbow rent a mob of flying pickets” are the street level agitators and sleeper agents (Investors/investments) who can be transported to target areas in a matter of hours, they become a visual concentration of well-schooled “Trotskyite pathfinders” ready to jump into the shoes of Town hall politicians if, or more so,’ when the Town hall falls.

“During our decisive action” you will also witness the Zio-Police relax security to assist these Militant foot soldiers during this period of hand over, and when done, the JCBCF get exactly what they set out to do …. a total Marxist take over out of the chaos; they are the Trojan horse for the JCBCF. Low and high ranking “shareholders” and “under cover state agents” helping bring forth their Global Reset = (((Global Communism))).

How Globalists Are Taking Over America, And What Can Be DoneSee attached video to understand why their “Trojan horse of rainbow groups” remain complicit, and how they are “paid as Marxist street, and celebrity level shareholders” for their blind loyalty. The more activism and publicity achieved, the more “Wall Street stocks increase” pay-outs then trickle downwards to all who are pro Jewish Central Banking.

CopsThe JCBCF created this problem, reaction solution scenario knowing that one day the Gottfried Feder, anti-interest slavery system” will haemorrhage into the psyche of the public who will try to bring it into  effect. A tell-tale sign of things are heating up in Britain is the recent wage increase for the programmed, stasis Police, an increase of £2000 inducement to be sure their “blind faith loyalty” is not compromised in any way, an inducement that creates a mentality of  “I’m alright Jack”

                                                        “It’s the JCBCF, stupid!”


You have to break away from these no remedy Union strikes…“Now”… Use the momentum to your advantage, park up on the longest of “A road’s” local to your area and set up your War referendum swap meet” to help finance the action, or if you’re a Farmer, bring and sell all your fresh produce and seeds to entice the public away from the giant supermarkets who are all complicit in this Global Reset, set up self sufficient grow-cycle classes to educate the public on agri independence in readiness for the impending food and energy crisis “which will happen weather we take action or not”.

A logistic plan for impact could begin with:

Working Truckers should continue to keep the economy afloat but should have strategic places for overnight parking to reinforce the static plan.

It should be noted that these working men are already deprived of rest, overnight parking and security, alongside a barrage of slow kill policies so are in need of support to keep them buoyant.

Some suggestions for impact:

1, A1: London — Edinburgh: 396 miles (637km)
2. A38: Bodmin, Cornwall — Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: 309.8 miles (498.6km)
3. A30: Land’s End, Cornwall — London: 284 miles (457km)

4, A580 East Lancashire Road – Manchester to Liverpool 35.4 miles

Or if that doesn’t work for you, try:

5, Park up on ring roads around the city centres.

6, Surround Town Hall’s local to your area.

7, Don’t block the roads or Motorways keep what remains of the country’s economy flowing!

8, Don’t be drawn into confrontation with their “Stassi Police gate keepers”, let the puppet Police see what they too can benefit from if they were to remove their “blind loyalty blinkers”.

9, Give a display of resistance by surrounding their GMO laboratories that innocently sit within certain areas of Britain.

10, Turn up at the homes and work places of puppet politicians and give a display

                                                      “I The War Referendum”

Buses, Trains and Taxis.

Bus and Train drivers need an alternative strategy …During these Union times of negative action, make use of it in a positive way. On alternate days, offer free public transport for all our folk… No remedy strike days = free pass.

If you are legally challenged by state robots …. Let them know, all passengers/customers are covered for travel by the individual’s National insurance, it will give the section 151 officer and other Town Hall gate keepers a dilemma!

Taxi drivers need to rally to the cause in whatever way possible. It’s well known the taxi industry has been a prime target where “Israeli based” start-up Taxi app Get is in a, so called! aggressive stand-off (playing both sides) with Uber for global control, which includes Britain’s taxi market. Travis Cordell Kalanick is Ubers front man  with an open cheque book.

They are coming for “our businesses” and “homes”.…. So, lets go after theirs!

‘Now that is what I call a strike, and difficult for the Bankers/JCBCF to sabotage’.

Unite union 2

Be aware, your water and food will be the target for their attack dogs ….. Keep vigilant and well stocked!

So now, one should be asking…Why haven’t the Unions ever strategized like this”

“Make The Hereditary Farmer Great Again”

One Bond

We forge a bond and link up with other War Referendum groups, “dump the toothless Unions” who have been complicit in this planned obsolescence for a Marxist/Communist takeover, these no remedy puppets have helped sell and send industry to empower eastern Communist countries” while their JCBCF masters have bombed Africa and Muslim countries to stampede a voting bloc, a cheap source of labour and “foreign womb” into Europe to replace our folk who have been emotionally programmed to allow in, these “women/womb” and “fighting age men”, because the JCBCF race destroyers have stolen the land of that same stampede who seriously believe it was a European initiative and will always sustain that bad memory throughout the demographic change. These non Europeans are being grafted into our civil service infrastructure on arrival for more reasons than benevolence.

The “War Referendum gathering” will be the most cost effective and convenient way for ordinary people to force the remedy through instead of relying on their sleight of hand process?

Make it local and economical.

1, Make it family and public friendly.

2, Self-finance the time using it as a “swap meet”.

3, Print and sell T-shirt’s ie “I support the War referendum”

4, Stay close to your homes.

5, Work in shifts.

6, Use your right to protest, and or petition.

7, Protect each other against state interference.

8, It’s important to keep the economy flowing, don’t allow them to blame you for the crash.

To uphold our constitution here in Britain, we need to trigger our national last line of defence choosing “Autocratic Meritocracy” to find a strong leader with “national principles”, a “social conscience” and “vigour”, to bring in the Gottfried Feder economic model and reclaim our culture and heritage,….. that leader will only step forth “if a critical mass is woken by the “determined” and “tenacious” few” It is our responsibility to clear the route and prove our worth,!

All European countries should be doing the same, preserving “blood” and “soil” is key to saving your families from these “on board pirates who have had their finger on the “slow kill destruction button” since the end of WWII.

The JCBCF supremacists, and there in the loop corporates are swallowing us all up at rapid speed, so positive policies are needed before they crash all economies and shepherd us into their… “Great Reset” = “Global Communism”. 

The Gottfried Feder economic model is an old “protectionist” self-sustaining economy, it is the unspoken of secret that will kill the central banks because we take back our sovereign guarantee to free ourselves from debt slavery.

Feders model is based on an “agrarian” and “guilds” foundation, it encourages localism, small private industry and home ownership so long as it has the best interest of the nation and folk at its core. It prints sovereign money in exchange for “labour” and “production” from the nations folk, paid from a sovereign credit system that equates to:

1, “no Inflation” ….

2, “no debt” …

3, ”no unemployment” … and

4, “no need for income taxes” …

Gold 2We can no longer rely on foreign banks who bate us with their “price fix Gold standard conjuring trick”, nor do we need their “price fix Petro-Dollar scam”, we shut the gate on these parasite speculators who have almost doubled our national debt in a “fictional accounts exercise” that “fleeced our National Insurance bond prescriptions” in exchange for massive loans, the Vacs swindle, and 2 years of solitary confinement in line with their birth and population control program HENRY KISSINGER’s 1974 REPORT (National Security Study Memorandum NSSM)  . No wonder they viral trend set vaccines, abortion and vasectomy programs” which are bond secured and easily available in Britain. 

All of these in the loop mobsters play roulette with the lives of folk right across the planet and must be stopped because they have us in their end game (the Great Reset) because the majority have complied and failed to listen to the warnings until… Now! .

                                        “I Gottfried Feder’s “anti-interest slavery” system” 

Aim big

We only win if we are:

1, “anti-free market” We have to stop the corporates from suffocating small industry and work the economy upwards, not top downwards as is happening now. Their open door policies have destroyed Europe and “replaced the European worker” for their “fired up imports”.

2, We win if we are: “anti-interest slavery” … We need to divest and retain our inheritance to recycle our economy, not give it away to the JCBCF with their fractional reserve Usury scam who when identified, are masters at attaching distorted semantics, and Hollywood rhetoric to the whistle blower, and “race bate a shield” (black face news reader etc) to silence, and hide truth!

The Feder model uses the principle of the “solvent National Insurance number (NI)” = guarantor/guarantee and puts it to its rightful use by removing the corporate shareholders and place the people in that very position which will give us access to “the Net worth of our nation”.

The people are, and always will be, the guarantors and preferred stock who will once again produce tangible commodities, we take the method away from the JCBCF and put it to its rightful use by re-establishing the people as the rightful shareholders.

Folk need to wake up to the reality and significance of the National Insurance number (NI)…. It is their controlling mechanism to keep us sick, unhealthy and distracted with an endless list of “pulp scat archetypes” (material influencers) who help distort and un-anchor us from our heritage and cultural foundation.

                                                “I love our bond saviour, Gottfried Feder” 

The House of Shabbat.

Since the end of WWII the JCBCF have had an “undisrupted 77 years” to fine tune a complicit civil service and a Military/Police force, each chosen for their political persuasion etc, instead of merit, then Israeli trained within their EU-Israel partnership through “The LAWTRAIN Project” in the framework of the EU HORIZON 2020 to become automaton gate keepers with a distorted moral compass. These corporate robots are “not” your friends “nor impartial”, they are bond/charge tax collectors after your NI to finance their distorted (((economic system = Jewish))).

It’s not too late for Folk to realise why Churchill and Roosevelt Allied with Stalin and his Bolshevik Communists during WWII, it is essential to understand that these Party elected officials who rose to power without a public mandate, have empowered strategic Communist countries from that day, and now have us in the final stages, their long term plan to “Sovietise Europe and the whole of the western world”, having failed to do so during WWII because the only Democratically elected “European leader” stood and said “enough” is “enough” after his numerous peace offers were discarded because it interfered with the Allies objective which was to:

1, Suffocate interest free Banking (IFB) which was being rolled out by a European leader at that time.

2, Clash and kill off as many of the best Europeans as possible.

This was the real reason for the Zio-War…. to protect the JCBCF in order for them to control the money afterwards which they managed to do successfully but, at war end, they had to use a slow kill strategy to finish off the Europeans, which takes us to where we are today as we witness Europe sinking into the abyss and Europeans clinging on by our fingernails as they try to guilt us into some sort of submission based on a twisted, and contradictory narrative that they have grafted onto us…

Follow link here to “Europa the Last Battle” and watch your life unfold right before your very eyes

Remember: “diversity only survives if the European survives”!

The JCBCF and their 650 bought and paid for politicians are at War with us Europeans and we are constitutionally duty bound to take them out.

Just like many other countries around the world, the JCBCF have created a “divisive, colour coded, one party state” where all parties must be “friends of Israel” and comply with “political correctness” these are the people who use a “race bate shield” (black face news reader etc) to silence, and hide truth! and forever point at others, but hate being pointed at! … All done through their Democracy trick that has silenced the majority while they blend in global communism.

Simple question: After what period in time does your Home, Truck, Tractor, Bus, Taxi loan/hire purchase become your own security/property?………………….

Answer: When the interest is paid! …..  Boooooom”…. and the wall came tumbling down! 

                            “I support The War Referendum, we’re in it to win it”

I have attached links to a few major coincidences which must be considered.


1, Random Aldi and Tesco fridges across the country in meltdown on same day.

2, Foot and Mouth Disease: Australian vets on high alert, calls for more training.


3, Thousands of homes without water in six Merseyside postcodes as flood closes road

4, West Oxfordshire residents without water because of burst pipe

5, Burst water main affects thousands in King’s Lynn area.

They are coming for “our businesses” and “homes”.…. So, lets go after theirs!

                                             “The War Referendum is the storm”

Make the War Referendum go viral… Best hash tags for:

Farmers here! …. Truck drivers here!….Train drivers here! …..Bus drivers here!….

Taxis drivers here! …. enoughisenough hereTrade Unions here…. Pro JCBCF activists hereFootball here…….. Vaccine here..….  Nationalism here..Workers here ….

Ideas for T shirts.

“Gottfried Feder is the storm”
“We need Feder’s Jobs, not Union Mobs”
“I  ❤ Autocratic Meritocracy”
“I ♥ Feder’s “anti-interest slavery” system”
“I ♥ love our bond saviour, Gottfried Feder”
“The War Referendum, Be in it to win it”
“The War Referendum is the storm”
“It’s the JCBCF, stupid!”
“I ♥ The War Referendum”
“Make The Hereditary Farmer Great Again”
“Truckers Leading the Way to the referendum day”
“Taxi’s ♥ The War Referendum”
Farmers in “The War Referendum” to win”

Warning: This notice cannot be found using a Google web browser/search.


Further reading here:

(((Central Banking)))” or “Interest Free”?

The Emperor’s New Clothes!  

National Health Cyber Attack.

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Alex Lorel

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