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The Phony Coroni

Strategy of Tension.
(((They))) have taken us all into another “Pearl Harbour” and “Twin Towers” moment where, for those who could see , saw all our civil liberties reduced into a “Shepherd and sheep” mentality;

Here is proof that the panic and crisis bonds are working their magic.
Other than war this “phony coroni” lock-down is their new way of bringing in a new solvent economy to kick start a new cycle to dupe the public into thinking the new money is real tender, when in reality it is all based on nothing more than another scam.
No wonder banks are now offering loans at this moment because its all coming in by the back door and now need your custom to kick start their new conjured up money which will inevitably sustain and expand the world debt… Is it just another cohen’cidence that the Bank of England director, Ms Afua Serwah KYEI is also the director of “COVID CORPORATE FINANCING FACILITY LIMITED Company number 12000142
Nature of business: Central Banking …… Original link here

Medical Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus for COVID19 have been traded around the world since 2018, two years before “the goyim” had even heard of the “phony phenomena”. Link here……

(((Their))) “track and trace” strategy using the “0300 telephone number” to reach the goyim is not at this stage meant to be efficient, its meant to maximise “bond profits” through a “call back later” strategy x10, knowing that the majority of targets ignore because most assume the call is/was a debt collector or sales rep. Each call back inflates “negotiable charges” which are then attached to your NI number/public hazard bond; the same applies to every, re£ative, NHS or Government paper corre$pondence arriving through your post box.

While more unlawful rules and regulations are laid before Parliament ie. 10th September 2020 to be in force 1st October 2020 allowing for the retention of harvested DNA of all goyim who submit to the vaccine or covid test.

The Phony Coroni..bilking the globe with testing kits and vaccines, initiating guarantees from the folk of nation states… “bond trade-able instruments” for (((their))) “in the loop” futures marketeers!!

Then of course….Wolf cry a shortage as was done with the “toilet rolls” and it will create a panic stampede to the front of the queue for a test, or jab” to have the “chemical pathogen device” inserted!

“Hedge funds ‘raking in billions’ during coronavirus crisis”

50 responses to “The Phony Coroni”

  1. diofeejiofe Avatar

    ur fucked up loser. Rockefeller isn’t jewish, gates isn’t jewish there are lots of these who aren’t you just use this as an excuse to spread your hate. But hate is the reason this will continue so nice job asshole.

    1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

      Banned off Jwbook…….. “Bill Gates’s Microsoft winning the Pentagon cyber security contract, worth $10 billion, and that his mother Mary Maxwell Gates worked with United Way as Chair, with IBM’s John Opal, the supposed historic arch nemesis of Microsoft. That that operation was rooted as a Jewish charity first, and therefore obviously foremost. That his father William was a banker at the Federal Reserve Bank. Why, with all his $billions has Gates never once mentioned the children of South Africa now being dragged into starvation and destitution?Banned off facebook ……
      #petercooneyenabler “better than free-still no lockup in sweden”

    2. kingedward1wasright1290 Avatar

      Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent you devil-worshipping coin-clipper, a book called “The Grandees – America’s Sephardic Elite.” will show you all of the banking elites controlling America today, this is also true of Gates who pretends to be a WASP while serving the devil and the foul stench of his other tribe members.

    3. Truthpecker Avatar

      Rockefeller and the other non-jewish elites conspired with the Rothschilds a long time ago. They are even worse than the Zionist jews because they are puppets of the jewish mafia and traitors to their own people.

    4. Glog Avatar

      Oh, yes they are!!! The original name was Levinson. see: http://mileswmathis.com/rock2.pdf

  2. the dune mouse Avatar

    eeek, it must be depressing to have such a dim view of life and humanity.
    You mention S. Africa. Don’t forget Saudi Arabia’s blatant abuse of human rights and also here are the facts regarding Sweden’s non lockdown as well. It’s not all roses either.

    1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

      You need to rid yourself of your rose tinted glasses. Wahabbi = Saudi family are Jews not Muslims, they don’t care about any goyim.

      “An open cheque,
      There is an unspoken of pact between “Muslims/(((Zio-Wahhabi))) and Jw’s” giving Muslim community freedom to stampede freely, across western nations and on arrival making them “solvent”.

      1. the dune mouse Avatar

        well, Peter, that is your story and some see different stories it’s true. I have no illusions about humanity in general but at the same time we all have a hard road. I’m trying.

          1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

            @Julius Skoolafish Thanks JS

        1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

          My story is not to believe the pre-programming, I dig for facts and truth, well beyond the official narrative. The road is going to get harder.

          “I’m trying” Well I’m so glad you took time to read my post … it might just trigger you to unofficially think!

          1. the dune mouse Avatar

            hang on Peter, that is a tad insulting. I have to say that I have a very healthy IQ , and I usually don’t go with the crowd and that includes yours too. I have a god education etc. and am hopefully bringing my own creativity for others to enjoy in my own small way in a non political vein. However, I am a keen amateur historian (a minor in college) and very interested in how and why people think what they do. My interest does not just lie in WWII and the holocaust.- I actually prefer ancient history but I read !

          2. PeterQuiggins Avatar

            @The Dune Mouse…. did you overlook your initial comment ? …

            “eeek, it must be depressing to have such a dim view of life and humanity”.

            No way was I criticising your creative work, it sings out quality.

          3. the dune mouse Avatar

            many thanks, indeed things can be a tad depressing too lol!

          4. PeterQuiggins Avatar

            @The Dune Mouse – Lol… Most people don’t have that creative
            therapy to fall back on when in a dark mood.

            I love creative people which is why I had my own gallery Quiggins “Art Speq” to platform them in Liverpool. Unfortunately it was crushed by people who I promised I would chase down till my dying day. I now put all my creative hours into tracking them down and dedicate my whole blog to them…

            I know what loosing a lifetimes creative work looks and feels like. xx

            Kvitravn (White Raven) by Wardruna

          5. the dune mouse Avatar

            PS If you need a break from the heavy stuff my blog is the place to stop by for a coffee- or a guinness! 😀

    2. Melatov (@MelatovMel) Avatar

      the dune mouse. You forgot to mention Israel’s mass murder and incarceration of Palestinian children.

  3. the dune mouse Avatar

    I love heroic archtypes and allegories and I hope you have not lost all creative endeavour.

  4. the dune mouse Avatar

    your video was wonderfully made. But I could not get sound on it for some reason. I may not agree with all your views but I can appreciate the art certainly.

    1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

      It would be worth trying another browser in order not to miss out.

      It’s a pity art has been politically weaponised in order to back seat “fine art” and elevate the “Tracy Emmen scatt” of this world.

      It’s pitiful, but art is political, and god help you if your not in their Zio-loop.

      By the way, thank god your not in that degenerate loop.

      1. the dune mouse Avatar

        lol- her theme is menstruation? I am not familiar with her. I can see she has talent but I’m not into icky.

        1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

          Don’t waste your time on her, her talent is toilet scatt and worse.

          I love your Romanov tribute. xx

          1. the dune mouse Avatar

            thank you and oh boy I know a lot of popular art that makes me scratch my head!! by the way my blog must remain non political and neutral. It is an innocuous collection of photography art, and little stories for everyone. I can’t post links to political or possibly inflammatory opinions etc I leave that to other political sites,. but I can post just your comment.

          2. PeterQuiggins Avatar

            “inflammatory opinions”

            I accept your apology for your inflammatory, I wont take it personal. lol

  5. the dune mouse Avatar

    Well that some might take as inflammatory but definitely controversial. No insult intended.

  6. the dune mouse Avatar

    Julius as I love history and secret tales that was an interesting article re: Donmeh

    1. Julius Skoolafish Avatar

      Thank you Dune Mouse – I think we have a lot in common.

      I managed to wean myself off the television around five or six years ago. I catch a radio ‘news’ bulletin once each morning as I wake up – and keep the virtual ‘vomit bag’ handy.

      My sudden jolt of awakening concerned Syria (refer Eva K Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley in particular – links available) which took me down the path of Russian history, believe it or not … I had to understand who Putin was and what was Russia doing saving Syria from the ISIS terrorists – who I later learned were acting on behalf of Israel and completely funded, equipped and actively supported by the US (and Australia et al). I needed to understand what Russia is today and where it had come from – Romanov dynasty – Jewish-led Bolshevik takeover – occult ritual murder of the Christian king [Matthew Raphael Johnson has been a great source – links available]. I am still trying to figure out the between years – especially post Stalin.

      That also led me down the General George Patton [and the whole WWII] rabbit hole … what on earth did he mean by “We defeated the wrong enemy”? – and why was he murdered? Oh Boy!!


      [And don’t get me started on the despicable Churchill …}

      It is interesting to have insight into your own personal reaction and emotions as you discover, one after another, ‘facts’ that you have been taught and have taken as axiomatic for decades are all lies. Don’t we hate being lied to!!

      I am inspired and encouraged by a number of brilliant quotes. One of those comes from “Colourless Tsukuru Tazake” by Haruki Murakami.

      • “The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand. As time passes, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it’s blown away and what’s below is revealed.“
      • [..]
      • “You can hide memories, but you can’t erase history.“

      Searching for more truths through articles and comments leads you to places like here (Peter Quiggins).

      As I was writing, I thought you would also be interested in the story of Sabbatai Zevi and the Sabbatean Frankism cult.

      Here Robert Sepehr reads from the Introduction to his book “1666: Redemption Through Sin” on its fifth anniversary of publication.


      … with some supporting commentary by Steven Ben De Noon and David Icke (notably on the Dönmeh etc).

      A further quote that helps ‘define’ me …

      • “Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”

      Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920-2012)

      And I can say personally that every such injury you suffer to your self esteem actually liberates you and strengthens and hardens your self worth.

      Best regards

      1. the dune mouse Avatar

        HI Julius, I’m always willing to read other points of view and you have some interesting and historical reading material compared to other sites like the Free Speech one. Even if I made a point or question on that site it is ignored and I am insulted by those who think they know everything – but here is where we might differ. First of all I do see many of the injustices and underhanded dealings of many nations. But to my thinking along comes a crisis like Covid and many people start screaming conspiracies ( again) and blaming certain races for the downfall of humanity. Make no mistake I can see connections but am no anti semite or Nazi sympathizer. I like to think that I try to take a relatively unbiased look at why things developed the way they did. As for Covid, I do believe it’s a particularly nasty virus. I have read about the Spanish Flue of 1918. How many died in that? Viruses are a symptom of the earths’ environmental imbalance to me. I don’t believe that the majority of nurses and doctors, historians, environmentalists and scientists are out to deceive us. I think things are much more complex than to blame a small population for all the ills of the world. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church has held a lot back from us as well They even have their own observatory for heaven sake lol. Yes, it’s an interesting world. and humans as a rule are not the most noble of God’s creatures.

    2. Julius Skoolafish Avatar

      Thanks again DM – of course we can’t document our full journey in one exchange – all we can do is share a couple of snapshots and wish each other well on their own journey.

      In passing, I wonder what Cohen meant by “First we take Manhattan and then we take Berlin”.

      As a theoretical physicist in a past life I was naturally indoctrinated to regard Einstein as a virtual ‘deity’. And then I discovered that the original publisher of E = mc^2 was Olinto De Pretto.

      But what really shattered my long-held esteem of Mr Einstein was the work by Christopher Jon Bjerknes

      “The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein”


      Note: Christopher Jon Bjerknes also does an excellent job of explaining the ritualistic (kabbalistic gematria) significance of the Six Million elsewhere.

      See “Warnings To The Jews! Premonitions Of The Holocaust” on bitchute

      He does mix his message by making a ridiculous statement about Hitler (“a Rothschild collaborator” or something to that effect) but his reference to the work “The Secrets of Hebrew Words” by Benjamin Blech seems quite bona fide.

      1. the dune mouse Avatar

        I can’t address all your comments here butI will tackle the easiest. As a poet, Cohen’s lyrics are up for grabs as to interpretation. but I’ve heard this on other sites by people somewhat fanatical about famous figures. who always look for something sinister. McCartney also felt that once you played in Germany you were recognized in all of Europe. I think it may be as innocuous as that as I certainly didn’t look on Cohen as a rabble rouser but more a mystic in his lyrics. Very interesting about Einstein but of course most scientists have been influenced by others and it can all be very mixed up. I’m glad De Pretto was Italian!! My grandpa would be thrilled. -Yes along with the Scots and Irish I was once a Roman!! lol

  7. PeterQuiggins Avatar

    So it looks like “Ike” and “LondonReal” have been sent deflect blame away from the circa 2000+ Talmud which replicates the same degeneracy as the Sabbateanism and Frankism.

    What we are being told about the “Koran” being the book of evil is done to deflect interest away from the Talmud because if folk knew what Judaism is really up-to, against what they call us “goyim/animals” it would be a game changer.

    Show me a )w who doesn’t benefit from )w tricks and I will eat my hat!
    Lizard man “Ike” and his team refused for many years to speak out on the )w problem but suddenly needs to create nice innocent )w’s to steer us away from their endless crimes. …..

    Nice Jews – https://peterquiggins.wordpress.com/2020/05/24/nice-jews/

    1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

      “Is it biased? lol”

      They are all captured videos from “biased channels” who have done there upmost to hide, facts, figures and evidence, just in-case folk start using basic arithmetic which add up to conclusions that point in their direction.

      These content providers have dedicated decades of man hours investigating and tracking these animals/criminals and now have a secure platform “GoyimTv” to consolidate in one place “truth” which has been officially sectioned as hate, racist and anti Semitic. The mainstream Medea cant be trusted to bring truth which is why the public search for logical choice from independent bloggers etc.

      These content providers sacrifice all in the name of truth just to bring it to the attention of the public so they can judge and consider for themselves instead of the official programmed narrative that has delivered us to the mess (chutzpah) we have to exist in.

      1. the dune mouse Avatar

        Peter, you have some good points I don’t deny but not everyone is unhappy with all mainstream media, or looking for conspiracies in which to blame world events. I don’t remember this while I was in college and the economy was moving along smoothly.- mostly protests about cutting trees down, and women’s stuff haha. World history is what it is, full of the illusions of power and money. However we’ve had a few heroes who stood up for human rights, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, to name two or people in history who fought against what they saw as tyrannical rules such as William Wallace and Michael Collins. we have Loujain al-Hathloul in prison for fighting for women’s rights in Saudi arabia and Malala Yousafzai shot because she wanted girls to educated in Pakistan. (This has nothing to do with Zionists) unless you believe that every government is a ZOG. Meanwhile I have a daughter at University with a partial scholarship, I can see a doctor without paying out of pocket. I have a roof over my head and food to eat. We just do our best and enjoy the simple pleasures. Do I live in Peace here I think I do. Can it be better? Of course it can. Do I want to box some ears- yes frequently. My big beef is the environment and sustainability. But then I’m a poetic nature lover. I love the philospophy of Rumi and I also loved the poetry of a Canadian Jew, Leonard Cohen. and the mind of Einstein. Jews like Epstein and Weinstien disgust me but as to some others, I will give credit where it is due. Oh and another interesting point, if you have every had your dna tested you find out you can be from everywhere before ending up Scots or Irish and Norwegian etc!! The Finns and Sami’s were originally from Siberia!! eeek.

        1. PeterQuiggins Avatar

          Ok Communism works again ….Keep enjoying it while you can xxx

          1. the dune mouse Avatar

            well Canada is quite socialist I think you know! We also don’t have a huge population compared to USA or maybe even UK. btw I was born over there.

          2. PeterQuiggins Avatar

            “well Canada is quite socialist”

            You mix up “Socialism” with “internationalism” = Zio-Marxism = Open all borders
            and protect and empower the new voting block on arrival.

            Canada is International Central Banking = Communism/Internationalism

            Interest free banking and Autarky = National protectionism = Socialism = close the borders.

            Sorry to disappoint you but dialectic programming is a science which Israel and their global Medea control thrive on!


          3. the dune mouse Avatar

            I do agree that some of our policies are too lax.

          4. PeterQuiggins Avatar

            Considering you steer clear of politics, you sure do know how to use broad statements in your diplomacy! ………….. “lax”

          5. the dune mouse Avatar

            I am the epitome of diplomacy lol hmmm

  8. the dune mouse Avatar

    PS: thanks for the discussion,

  9. the dune mouse Avatar

    a little story, my friend was born in Greece, During the Military coup which was a backlash to communism movement over there( Good grief, the birthplace of democracy!) his dad went to vote It was a yes or no vote to military govt.- you went to sign your ballet in a booth- but he was given a ballot with only a yes. He looked at it and hesitated, and he was asked ” Do you want a no?” lol

    Canada is ok!!

  10. PeterQuiggins Avatar

    So, the choice was “Communism” or “Central Banking” = Corporatism, exchanging one parasite for the other! Oy Vey! The science of dialectic programming = problem, reaction, solution! = Zio-Democracy… The Communist trap….

    A little story… https://peterquiggins.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/dont-dance-the-trance/

  11. Rerevisionist Avatar

    http://big-lies.org/mileswmathis/gates.pdf is good on Gates. Mathis claims ALL publically-promoted people are Jews – but you have to look into them.

  12. PeterQuiggins Avatar

    The COVID19 Jab contains a “Graphene Spike Protein” contagion that reprograms your brains natural electronic circuit board. The host carrier emits these GSP particles which can attach themselves to the wider part of the population. (((Big Pharma))) are targeting your brain.
    “Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles”

    It’s a global plan to Jab us all –

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Alex Lorel

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