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Annual Ernst Zundel Remembrance Day 27th January.

To a loyal unrelenting and tenacious warrior of the German and European folk.

RIP… “Ernst Zundel” who’s footprint will continue to haunt the (((beast))) until the end of time.

Ernst Zundel and Michael Hoffman radio broadcast – The 1985 Great Holocaust Trial …. Book here…….. Video here


“The most dangerous man to Jewish usury ‘Adolf Hitler’ who against all odds and many assassination attempts on his life by the banker crime families  still managed to revive Germany’s European pride and spirit and created using the Feder economic model without the backing of gold or Jewish illusion, the only truly socialist ideology to have ever existed. No way were the Jewish Banker crime families going to allow this ‘broken free’ rogue nation to retain for its folk 100% employment, protect agrarian production, ban mortgages, offer interest free loans and pay married couples to have children. This contagion had to be stopped in its tracks before it liberated the whole of Europe!”!.  Pay attention to the attached link “James Perloff – Hitler vs. The Elite Cabal of International Bankers”

From ‘Order’… into a Rainbow of ChaosPQ


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Alex Lorel

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