Israel has all its ducks in a row, and chose’s Pu’tin to take it to another level!
1, Remit: To control the narrative (((we Jews))) will lead the naïve Canadian truckers by the nose into a “pied piper” freedom convoy of love” (((we))) can then get Trudeau to associate it all to the Nasti’s, Facfists and white supremacists, from which point, it will gather momentum and cause a food crisis around the world = global (((media coverage))) which will lead everything back into (((our hands))) = (((stock market scam))) = Israel = (((The central banker crime families)))
2, Remit: (((We))) start up a global criminal action against the covid19 scam and bring in Jew witnesses from New York, Israel and another fake holocaust survivor to blame the Nasti’s, Facfists and white supremacists = global (((media coverage))) of poor Jews, it will help deflect and silence the goyim into submission, thereby securing (((Central banking))) and our (((stock market scam))).
3, Remit: (((We get))) Woopy Goldberg from the US to spin a holocaust attack and get the comedian Jimmy Carr in the UK to do the same so their public associate it to the Nasti’s, Facfists and white supremacists = global (((media coverage))) of poor Jews, it will help deflect and silence the goyim into submission thereby securing (((Central banking))).
4, Remit: Cream off the £6billion per month interest payment for UK’s National Debt and do the same with other National debt payments to help finance Put’in to invade Ukraine and associate Pu’tin to the Nasti’s, Facfists and white supremacists to shepherd the sheep in the wrong direction thereby securing (((Central banking))) and our (((stock market scam))) and an inevitable food crisis on top of a refugee stampede across Europe.
5, Remit: Get Putin to arrest Russia’s last line of defence (nationalists) and get the Jewish Prime
Minister in Ukraine do the same by calling them Nasti’s, Facfists and white supremacists! and fill the Nationalist gap with an immigrant quota, naïve public, homosexuals and criminals alongside (((our bought and paid for))) puppet Azov force which will help secure (((central banking))), our (((stock market scam))) and our rainbow world of dysfunctional chaos ..
6, Remit: Spin it all at the Nasti’s, Facfists and white supremacists and it will automatically protect the (((central banker crime families))) …
Once we achieve all the above in a dialectic” problem, reaction, solution scam!…it will be… Bingo… It’s not the Jews!
Turkey shoot.
We can now invade Ukraine and dance away our submissive embarrassment caused by Germanys “Operation Barbarossa” in 1941 which ambushed 4m of (((our))) Bolshevik troops who had lined the borders of Europe and stopped (((us))) triggering “Operation Thunderstorm”, (((our))) 1941 plan to invade Europe failed because of that Aryan upstart “Her Wolf” (Adolph Hitler) who (((we))) stopped from joining the (((league of nations))) / (((UN))) because he had installed interest free banking. against us (((central bankers))) and in doing so, that upstart left a huge footprint which can still work today if implemented by a National Socialist meritocratic/autocratic leader. It almost suffocated (((us))) back then and will again if the “quivering sheep” wake up and start pointing the finger at (((us))).
Well done (_(_(Israel)_)_), your (_(_(Perestroika deception)_)_) is working just as planned!
Festering 82 years.
After the so called fall of Communism in 1989, document N0 103202/06 signed by chief of staff kirill Merezkov 18th September 1940 reveals Joseph Stalin was preparing an aggressive invasion of western Europe on the 10th July 1941 code named “operation thunderstorm”….. Which means Germany had no other option but to strike first at the Jewish controlled USSR, a “pre-emptive strike” with only 3 weeks to spare. In doing so Hitler upset Stalin’s calculations to aggressively invade Europe. Prior to Hitler’s preventative invasion, Court Historians to this day neglect to mention 1, the Red Army’s attack on Finland (November 30, 1939), 2, bombing of Sweden (February 21, 1940), 3, the invasion of Estonia, 4, Latvia and 5, Lithuania (June 18, 1940) and that Stalin had forced Romania to surrender Bessarabia [Moldavia] (June 27, 1940) his Jewish remit was to slaughter Europeans and Sovietise Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt also knew of the plan having Allied to suffocate interest free banking before the public woke up to the real reason for war which was to protect the (((Jewish central banker crime families))).
The Jew has drained the finances and accounts of every western country and ploughed that same plunder into Pu’tin’s BRICS banking safe house as part of a wealth and power transfer in order for the Jew to remain solvent throughout this global chaos.
Read about Pu’tin’s BRICS banking system = Israel’s… in the following links:
God bless the Ukrainian people in this particular performance, and god bless the rest of us as we face the dangers of their unfettered refugee cover and a step closer to a global “Holodomor” Link 1 The silence of historical facts is deafening: “16.5 Million Europeans murdered in all 3 Holodomors”
Link 2, The same (((Banker crime families))) try to hide historical facts: “Ukrainian Government Dishonor memory of Holodomor and hold talks with Jewish ADL”
Make the War Referendum go viral… Best hash tags for:
Farmers here! …. Truck drivers here!….Train drivers here! …..Bus drivers here!….
Taxis drivers here! ……. Football here…….. Vaccine here.…….. Nationalism here.…. enoughisenough here… Trade Unions here…. Pro JCBCF activists here… Workers here ….
Because: “Gottfried Feder is the storm”
27 responses to “(((Put’in)))”
Putin is no one’s puppet. The Jewish/Zionist leadership is guilty of many crimes including the Second World War, but the Ukraine/Russia crisis isn’t one of them and they didn’t manufacture the Trucker’s Convoy. They may love the idea of you believing it, but, I’m afraid you are giving them too much credit!
“Wow…. At first glance I sat open mouthed” in some sort of giddy excitement as I watched and praised the “initiative” and “principle” re this lawful “Grand Jury in the court of public opinion”, re the Cov19 criminal action which is being fronted by so called representatives of the people litigating an action against (((their))) selection of globalists in the above video… I was actually enjoying the simplicity of the live streams up until 38mnts into it, when … suddenly! …… Lol .. Bingo!!”
Putin will be diplomatic with anyone if it benefits Russia. The man is a true Nationalist. He is not beholden to Zionist power like most American politicians are.
If Putin was in bed with Israel he wouldn’t have saved Assad’s Syria from American and Israeli subterfuge. He’s the leader of a powerful country and region and if he needs to shake hands with a few Rabbis to be diplomatic, so be it.
Putin believes the holocaust just like you – Russia makes Holocaust denial illegal
90% of the holocaust story is pure fiction. But, Putin’s adherence to it has more to do with old Soviet lies and Russian propaganda than being a sycophant to the Jews.
Lol ….here is Nationalist support –
Putin believes the Holocaust happened … just like you .
Russian authorities take over Gulag Museum and whitewash Soviet crimes
Russia’s only gulag museum faces closure – Telegraph
Putin condemns White Nationalism as ‘caveman’ mentality, defends multi-culturalism/diversity model in Russia
Putin opens a 10,000 capacity Mosque in Moscow, Europe’s biggest muslim city
Russia’s most famous White Nationalist Tesak was tortured and urdered in prison (he was there for ‘hate speech’)
Russian authorities force Gulag museum to close
Jewish Oligarch Roman Abramovic chose Putin as leader, and vetted all Putin’s cabinet members
Putin’s Jews
Jewish Prime Minister of Russia
25% of richest Russians are Jewish,7340,L-4587086,00.html
Jewish pro-Russian separatist commander: We’ll celebrate Victory Day in Kyiv
Putin bans white nationalism and Holocaust Revisionism
Putin’s regime broke up, arrested, exiled most White Nationalist leaders in Russia
Don’t forget that Zelenski is a jew. The majority of the population are jews. Putin is jewish. So what have we here, two jews fighting against each other. Evil against evil, and I am on neither side.
First, nothing but “Covid-19” and toxic vaccines as the solution, and now we hear in the news nothing but the Ukraine and Putin. What will be next, the jews come up with.
Jackie shows that she understands about Putin and Zelenski, and who is pulling the strings for all the sides. Some more info that we may want to consider.
“Soros Mag: Focus On White Deaths in Ukraine Is Racist ‘Dog Whistle.’
“OpenDemocracy – a left-wing, online magazine funded in large part by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations – has called for the coverage of the Russia-Ukraine conflict to be “anti-racist,” while appearing to insist that coverage of white war casualties is a racist “dog whistle.”
“The Self-Styled Servant of the People [Zelensky] is a Luxurious Property Tycoon and his palaces are not in Ukraine”
“Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists”
“There are some in the alternative media and the liberty movement who falsely believe that Russia is anti-globalist – Nothing could be further from the truth. As with many political leaders Putin will sometimes use anti-globalists rhetoric, but his relationships tell another story. In Putin’s first autobiography, titled ‘First Person’, he discusses with fondness his first encounter with New World Order globalist Henry Kissinger as a member of the FSB (formerly the KGB). As Putin rose through the political ranks he maintained a steady friendship with Kissinger and to this day they have regular lunches and Kissinger has been an adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin.
It doesn’t stop there, though.” ….
[This article is well worth your time and attention].
Yes, there maybe living White people in the Ukraine. They may get killed in the process. Or that is also maybe one of the reasons Putin “is at war” with Zelensky.
Thank you, Flanders, for sharing the articles, especially the last one. Putin shaking hands with Schwab makes it clear enough.
Once KGB, always KGB. A leopard never loses its spots.
“Putin is a Jew—documents from the president’s biography confirm rumours”
“Chabad: Putin’s Jews and Their Man Trump”
I will be so glad when this Perestroika deception has been exposed.
Putin, and his deep seated sleeper cell agents have caused chaos around the world, and in its wake, killed” and destroyed” lives using innocent folk as political pawns to mood swing opinion and stimulate stock market patterns. They are using the actuarial science of cause and affect which is a mainstay of the Perestroika deception played out by both sides which keeps people ignorant of the reality (Zalenski and Putin), in a “good cop” bad “cop” war game, acting out a crisis for public consumption to mood swing a favourable outcome for The central banker crime families (((CBCF)))..
The central banker crime families (((CBCF))) are playing us all off against each other and out of the carnage only the same (((CBCF))) will survive. It is they who have “officially sanctioned” the global charity relief effort (for the planned stampede of refugees) with all their “in the loop” corporate Tax dodger friends: Facebook, Google, Instagram, Youtube, BBC, CNN and especially the “card board cut out” celebs, and social media influencers etc because if it wasn’t (((officially sanctioned))); they would be silenced into obscurity, and the accounts of those petitioning for help would be deleted. We are under attack, (((they))) have us in a coordinated “cull”, a (((Zionist trap))) of displacement and demographic replacement which suits the JWO agenda.
God bless the Ukrainian people in this particular performance, and god bless the rest of us as we face the dangers of their unfettered refuge cover and a step closer to a global “Holodomor”
Their logic is … Unless we fully accept the forever compounded global debt, the war is coming to all of Europe.
The 650 parliamentarians, just in the UK alone need to be tarred and fathered while being dragged out, same applies to the EU vassal which has immunity from the law.
The EU is not Europe, the Europeans are being exposed to the well planned melt down in a bid to transfer power to the a new puppet system.
By deception “We” wage war! … By division “We” gain unity = Mossad = Central banker crime families (((CBCF)))
I fully agree, Mr Q.
“Was Kissinger a Soviet Spy?”
Putin does seem to make convincing statements within this posting below, though it is what would be expected of him. The history of Soviet intentions and jewish control inside Russia, and over international communism, has for far too long been established,
“Putin: Russia is ‘Detoxifying’ Itself of ‘Fifth Column’ of ‘National Traitors’ And Will Only Become Stronger”
“Vladimir Putin appeared to denounce the Russian oligarchs fleeing to Israel as a “fifth column” of “national traitors” who see themselves as a “superior race” and “cannot make do without foie gras, oysters or gender freedom as they call it.”
“Putin has sent forth over 5m prowling Bolsheviks from his new Novorossia and Eurasia ‘Muslim’ alliance, reinforcing his new Bolshevik vanguard globally and still, not with standing all the above, an Israel Wins Joint Drone Contract To Monitor Europe’s Coast .”
See who was Klaus Schwab’s Harvard teacher and Trump’s former advisor, and:
“No one is closer to Chabad than Putin, only Trump rivals.”
Zelensky Says His Goal is to Turn Ukraine Into a ‘Greater Israel’
History is repeating itself. The present State of Israel was conquered with violence, fighter bombers and machine guns. And now the jews created war for a second homeland, the so-called New Jerusalem.
I agree with you, Jackie. And, I have no love for the Israelis, whom I call God’s chosen psychopaths. Zionism is a sick Jewish supremacist ideology.
Real national socialists should steer clear of “Strasserism” and “Dugenism” = “National Bolshevism” which are both a controlling mechanism of the same Jewish banker crime families that have a military force masquerades as NS, This is what we are witnessing today in Ukraine with (((Zalenski’s))) Asov and Putin.
The Jew banks are playing out a dialectic of… problem, reaction solution controlling both side in order to preserve the controlling mechanism over the masses …
“global Jewish central banking”
All roads lead to Israel and the (((Jewish central banker crime families)))
Yashin Hamim, the Jewish commander of Azov has been captured in Mariupol and transferred to Russia.
During the Syrian War, Hamim ran a training facility for ISIS terrorists near the Iraqi border.
His forces were heavily defeated in 2017 in northern Iraq by Iran’s anti-ISIS Brig. General Qasem Soleimani but Hamim managed to escape dressed as a woman to return to Ukraine.
In Ukraine, Azov Battalion units under his command had a hand in the country’s agricultural exports out of Mariupol as well as protection racketeering for the illegal arms trade.
He was also the go-to-man for child trafficking, sex and drugs trade conducted for Arab monarchies through Ukraine.
Though not confirmed, several sources are reporting that a number of high ranking NATO/Western officers have been captured alongside Hamim, after giving up the fight at Azovstal steel works in Mariupol.–Azef-Nazism–named–Yashin-Hamim—-link-to-original-video-in-description-
Your post is informative and interesting. It appears Yashin Hamin will not be getting out of a Russian prison any time soon.
It’s more likely….. Putin has whisked Yashin Hamin off to protect him. I wouldn’t be surprised if YH turned up in Haifa in Israel at some point, the (((Jewish central banker crime families))) work there magic right across the chess board.
“Likewise, the communist bosses in Russia, practically all of which are Jews, have accumulated unto themselves all the riches of the countryside. While the communist slave laborer is toiling away twelve hours a day and then comes home to a dingy, dirty, filthy, crowded little apartment shared with other families, his Jewish bosses have opulent palaces spread all over the countryside. They drive the best of cars, chauffeur driven, of course, and eat the best of foods. Not only that, but they have the best of planes at their disposal to fly wherever they see fit to govern their slave laborers. These Jewish communist bosses usually also have at their disposal imported clothes and tailors and a galaxy of servants. When they need a rest from running their slave empire, they have private villas on the Black Sea or other choice vacation spots at their beck and call. And so it goes in the Proletarian Worker’s Paradise.”
FLASHBACK 2019: Radio Free Europe Reports On “Zelensky’s and Jewish Oligarch Connection”