The Jew has created an infrastructure so complex it could not happen so smoothly if the higher echelons of Zio-Marxism within the corridors of power did not have direct access to the criminal underworld. In Britain alone during the so called ‘swinging’ 50’s and 60’s the Jewish homosexual Kray twins controlled by Meyer Lansky, Jewish brethren occupying America were given immunity during their degenerate spree before the baton was passed over to the next level. These 2 degenerate bitches were the street level fixers for their political Kehilla agents, employed to help collapse any governmental opposition during the Profumo affair. So let’s take this example to another level.
The fanned breakdown of Communism and the protracted collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, behind which was a Bolshevik safe house incubating a tribal Zio-Marxist infrastructure. It is a fact that it coincided with the upsurge of Political Correctness (Cultural Marxism) in the West. Indeed the flood of Jews that have left Eastern Europe since the pseudo-collapse are the same Jewish Bolsheviks that have been responsible for mass murder of upwards of 66 million Europeans during the Jewish Bolshevik seizure and occupation of Eastern Europe in 1917 including the 16.5
million European murders in the Holodomor Genocides. Again just like the pogrom, the Berlin wall fiasco of 1989 acted as the prime signal for the Jewish criminal network in Eastern Europe to expand business and join up with their B’nai B’rith, Sayanim and government sleeper agents in target Western Nations.
I have read strategic articles recently concerning the so called ‘Russian mafia’ who are holding governments to ransom using terrorist and blackmail methods so that they do Israel’s bidding. The very use of the legend ‘Russian’ is identity theft for as previously stated the criminals operating in Russia are Jewish. This is the usual dialectic used by Jewish journalist to confuse and point you away from the Jewish Bolshevik criminal network running rampant throughout the world.
Feeding frenzy
The Jews are trying to program us to believe that presiding governments are nothing more than innocent parties detached from the criminal element. In fact it has been a multilateral union since the end of WWII. This was the Jewish victory over Europe and everything inverted meaning that the Jewish criminal underworld became government. If this is not so! What sort of sane government would allow dual passport holders to overnight dispatch their own Shomrin Police force to cities across Europe and America in the shadow of dubious threats while monopolising their long worn out Holow’cause sympathy vote.£”. Link here…. here……
The facts regarding the Kosha Nostra mafia, Putin, Trump, EU and the false state called Israel tell a different story …. All Guilty as one unified body. (((The launderers)))
Whatever they masquerade as Georgians, Armenians, Chechens, Polish and various other ethnic groups like the so called “feared Turkish syndicate” all the kingpins are all Jewish, oiling the laundering wheels of commerce, geopolitics within our cities, drug dealers, protection rackets, prostitution, sex trafficking, slavery, gun running, charities and employment rackets, small businesses, and shop front safe houses with the usual disproportionate to use ratio which should make even the most naive among the sheep suspicious. 1……., 2……, What sort of government would overlook the attack on America (USS Liberty) or, excuse dual citizens spying for another nation: Charles M. Lieber the Jewish Chemist in Americas Harvard University sells secrets to Chinas Kaifeng and Harbin Jews.
“U.S. Military Technology Sold by Israel To China Upsets Asian Power Balance”
It’s not hard for them to covertly elevate local street level gangs in order to accelerate the destruction of Europe’s moral compass and break down the European spirit and system…
All the big guns Semion Mogilevich….., Monya Elson……, Marat Balagula….., Vyacheslav Ivankov….., Vladimir Ginsberg….., Ludwig Fainberg……, Boris Abramovich Berezovsky……, Roman Abramovich… and ….Oleg Deripaska …, etc the list is endless all controlling a motley crew of unmerciful criminal bandit underlings contracted to the Zionist vision of a NWO; while the FBI, CIA, KGB, Mossad, Interpol and MI5 etc. deliberately point you in the wrong direction away from these Jewish blackmailers!; Or is it just another cohen’sidence that the US national grid (Gas/electricity) is gate kept by hedge funder, dual passport advocate, venture capitalist bond trader “Jonathan Silver” or am I just unofficially hate seeking?.
One must ask the question… Why is it that the law is unable to conclude from these patterns, basic maths and probabilities, preferring to hunt down unofficial thinkers who use unofficial semantics in a normal expression of truth. even more patterns here.
It is a huge unending cycle of crime, debt, and perversion all under Jewish control. Indeed the only way this enemy could have introduced, and have the masses accept the degenerate ways of their Talmud was to molest the works of the Koran through their Zionist agents in the Muslim communities. Again the Jew is covered for the spread of his degeneracy while his actions are furthered in the cultivation of racial and cultural tension. This all coincides with strategic propaganda structured around their Zio-Marxist politically correct program that sustains the dialectic. This has disarmed Europe, debasing the spirit and weakened or ‘feminised’ our men. 1…..,
‘The death of the man is expendable while the death of the woman is the death of the tribe’
This is why Jewish propaganda continually projects the non-White as the ethical option through anti white and racial manipulation in media commercials, while pounding the drum for a plethora of rainbow mix dating sites. 1……, 2…., 3….. 4…., 5…., They have turned us into sitting ducks, easy pickings for their empowered and toxic mix of non-European imports, underpinned with their ‘Jewish criminal network stoking the fire, at street level of their global village scam. Who would have thought your local “Chemist” plays a significant roll in the Jewish chain ie London.. The pharmacist drug dealers: “This man sold us 60 Xanax for £150”, or as far as Nigeria ‘Africa’ where Pharmaceutical company “Emzor” suspiciously, a stones distance from Glaxosmithkline deploy similar methods to comatose sections of their society into marketable groups. Take a look at Mossads new bio weapon, their new toxic strain for us Goy called ‘Colorado’
Big Foot
With all the available evidence it is not hard to conclude that the Jewish terrorist organization calling itself Israel has a global Red Kosher-Nostra network that underpins their terrorism, money laundering, gambling, drug, protection, black market labor, immigration and sex rackets in our towns and cities across the globe Sex 1……, 2……, 3….., 4….., 5….,,
Supplying their drug diaspora with sophisticated equipment to safeguard the network .. 1…., 2….,, 3…..,
This network, ghost claiming from the British Trust purse DWP (Department of Works and Pensions), is laundering for Mossad terrorist groups out in the Middle East. It has a well organised sex slave of European boys and girls from America, Latvia, Ukraine and Russia etc to the Wahhabi Arab Emirates, China, and to Israel. It does its baiting on the
World Wide Web (WWW) with the paedophile rings on the dark web. Meanwhile, terrorist Israel’s Hasbara and cyber security collates the negotiability’s to use as obedience to compromise on high profile targets as and when needed. 1, B’nai B’rth Israelis Collumbia…. 2, Mossad Paedophile ring
The network manipulated and debased the populations of Thailand and the Philippines into an industrious sex industry. This is used to sexually pervert the Western market and intern fosters misguided hate towards the West within the affected Thai and Pilipino communities just as the ideology predicted which mirrors how they did it to Germany during (((their))) Weimer rule 1919 to 1933. which was 100% Jewish control!
The Jew has set the stage over a period of decades ensuring the debasement of the moral compass of European nations. They now bait the West with its other enemy the Middle East. This it has seeded with its own agents-Zio-Muslims and puppet imports to agitate. The Koran is held up as bait for all the ‘apparent’ failings of Western cultures; failings that the Jew incited, clashing for war in order to kill off both Islam and Aryan Europe leaving the Jew dominant over an enslaved globe…problem, reaction, solution. 1….., Isis is Israel and Anjem Choudary is their Zio-puppet and Trojan horse…. 2….. 3…..
The Muslim and his book has become a tool along with all the contrived politically correct minority structures and are being led by the nose. It is a well formulated symbiotic proxy army, a stepping stone to demographically reduce the European into insignificance in time for the coming Jew world government. This will allow them to fully rule over a more controllable confused slave population and allow the Jew to roll out the degenerate ways of their Talmudic bible. Meanwhile, “Rabbi Goldstein” in a sincere performance before the UN (without their chliche violin) is calling to have their Noahide Laws applied globally.
Compare the freedom of Jewish criminals to that of a rogue country or nation stepping out of line. Just watch the World Bank, Federal bank and all major banks around the world close ranks and freeze the accounts of these apparently ‘rogue’ states. FBI, CIA, KGB, Interpol, MI5 and the puppet US army all do the bidding of the Jewish Mossad.
Meanwhile, during the events of 911, airport security was operated by an Israeli company. Then we have Britain secured by SERCO and G4S Jewish companies protecting the Banks, courts, Jails, Gas, and Electricity and the Gaza Strip etc etc … In America alone Putin has sent forth over 5m prowling Bolsheviks from his new Novorossia and Eurasia ‘Muslim’ alliance, reinforcing his new Bolshevik vanguard globally and still, not with standing all the above, an Israel Wins Joint Drone Contract To Monitor Europe’s Coast .
200 Israelis arrested re 911 and the silence deafening!
It must be recognised that European people including our European American folk are largely innocent, naive to the fact that they have been used to secure the (((banker’s))) infrastructure and sent forth as front line fodder in wars as proxy Armies. The face of the European has been used for decades in contracts across the globe to shield the controlling Jewish war mongers. This is now used against us to stir up racial tension between non-Europeans that Jewish occupiers have imported into our homelands. Having rooted decades of (((their))) “false guilt trick” into the psyche of our folk; this helped (((them))) seize and occupy Palestine. A safe house for Jewish criminal’s. Recognition of their pseudo-state in the Middle East is only condoning another Jewish criminal act virtually identical to the seizure of Russia by Jewish Bolsheviks in 1917. Meanwhile, should the Jewish terrorist organization called Israel be threatened it blackmails the world with the Samson option threatening to nuke Europe into oblivion to accelerate us even faster into the dark ages. They also control bio-specific weapons as back up. 1……, 2……, it doesn’t stop there, even their Shin Bet security services Chief Warns: ‘If European Countries Fail to Protect Their Jews, the State of Israel Will’ 3…..,
So it’s not hard to consider that the official “Pandemic Virus Outbreak Plan” within all nations not only increases “global bond market profits” and “shares” for those in the loop; It may also be shedding light on what sort of war to expect if their monetary control system is threatened.
Is it possible that the dreaded “(((biblical well poisoners)))” are in the process of drip feeding; us “goy” new slow kill viruses in some sort of dry run that mimics their “Morgenthau plan” that was meant to sterilize the German folk after WWII!; (((are))) they now applying it to the whole of Europe to reduce our population.
Problem, reaction, solution… The reality of ….
The War on Drugs
I fully understand the reasoning behind the Columbian Narcos drug trafficking in Latin America with the so called ‘Escobar and Cali cartels, useful idiots supplying the global market and 5th columnists. Their global network was projected to the mass as being their genius of smuggling, when in fact it wasn’t just the breaching of security, or laws of export throughout Latin America, it was about the laws of exit and entry of the Kissinger lead US, (((Chile, and Argentine Government’s))) who allowed the export of key ingredients to support Escobar in his manufacturing and distribution. But then of course one must factor in a certain jew “Max Mermelstein” who was taken into a Witness Protection Program as an informant to testify against Escobar before “Senator Joe Biden”; Mermelstein shadowed Escobar during the height of his infamy yet has since paled into obscurity leaving a fully functional network for Mossad. 1……., 2……. 3……… 4……., 5……, 6……., 7…….., 8……….,
Working the dialectic Escobar was the Kehilla cartels choice, to enable and finance back door Communism through their FARC allies in order for both to protect key positions and create a bridge head for communist China to secure a monopoly over the Panama Canal, the gate-way to America. As was done with the African Marxists ANC, and ETA Basque separatists in Spain, and even Ireland’s very own IRA each playing out a dialectic roll for their Kehilla paymasters to enable Marxism/Communism. The same Jewish Banker crime families forecasting the long term “deuce game” used a similar formula to manipulate the 1956 Suez crisis that fractured eastern and western relations but helped Egypt secure a useful patsy in the “Gamal Abdel Nasser” government giving the Jew a firm footprint over the canal and middle east.
The Guantánamo Bay camps located in Cuba were about silencing patsy prisoners and retaining them in Communist jurisdiction which is why we now see the new Cuban alliance with Castro’s old guard franchise amalgamating strategy with their outside US Political cartels.
It was so easy for Escobar to consider a social conscience once he’d secured dominance and a luxurious lifestyle for his family and friends on the back of murder, debauchery along with His ‘Robin Hood’ image among his …. ‘Living in fear’ followers. The biggest mistake Escobar made was to challenge the countries political premiership in his bid to lead the country against the ‘Gringo’ (non Latino’s) not realising the dialectic and his lowly street level position in the pecking order of (((cartels))). This little narcissistic upstart had to be replaced in order for the global Kehilla cartels to continue the global ‘cat and mouse’ pretense for the gullible goy public.
It’s interesting to note when considering the Argentinean connections, their biggest economic group happens to be Jews and home to the foundation trust “CRESUD” owned by two Jew families Eduardo Elsztain and Midling. Owners of 480.000 hectares of Patagonian prime agrarian real estate bordering Chile and Argentina. Connections that also lead to another landmass owner and Zion-loyalist Douglas Tompkins with ties to many Jewish organizations within Argentina and all committed to Israel and their objective for global supremacy
Does it beg the question? Are these the associates behind Argentina’s puppet junta who back in 2002 proposed the settlement of the country’s foreign debt crisis in exchange for the secession of Patagonia?
Is Patagonia the negotiability that could expose the country’s heckles heel and make that area vulnerable to either; a negotiated Jewish takeover or, a War for the Jew to realize the long-awaited, yet silenced Plan Andinia the creation of another Jewish headquarters for their global criminal network.
Once again! I’m not a lawyer but, how hard can it be to consider all these patterns into the overall evidence when evaluating Israel’s support for Argentina against Britain during the 1982 Falklands war that seen Chile proxy used as the good cop. Was their support just for public consumption?
To put an end to all this madness when will we see all Goyim evict these Yiddish criminals to their well-established autonomous region (the size of Switzerland) of Oblast within the Town of Birobidzhan Siberia. How much landmass is needed to accommodate this impervious tribe?
This is the art of the double speak; straddle both sides of the Kehilla. Nothing has changed when contrasted with today’s continued (((Zionist))) occupation of “Afghanistan”, the region now secured as a global opium supplier, or historically to the Chinese “Opium wars” where, the Sassoon Jew family were pivotal –meanwhile, and historically the Kaifeng Jews fed revenge sentiment socially amongst Chinese against the Europeans in order for the ‘(((Tribe)))’ to keep a clean face while positioning key players of their political Kehilla cartels and their (((Bank of England financiers))). The same revenge sentiment is being programmed amongst non Europeans today across the globe; Europeans having been indoctrinated with decades of self hate which has made it easier for the pirates to roll out a more dominant global Cartel Government over the now defenceless whites. So remember anti Semitism is about the oppression of Europeans in order to stop them becoming Jew savvy, or Mossad alert.
I fully understand how challenging the real (((Cartel structure))) of City Hall will see all party ranks close in as one, while sending your life into spiral, but not enough to stop me recognising miracle coincidences that always seem to favour 5th columnists, Narcos and Mossad bad boys, by way of the “Israeli based shipping line Maersk” and the fake Muslim ‘Wahhabi Saud Jews’ who are behind the Peel Holdings/Ports in Liverpool UK running, and hosting a weekly RoRo service named the “Columbia Express” a weekly Latin American cargo service to Liverpool which is baby sat by the Jewish visionary guru Max Steinberg, Jewish MP Louis Ellman, and the new Maritime and “transport minister” friend of Israel “Nusrat Ghani MP” …!! So, the biblical (((well poisoners))) are in “Town” .…How Chutzpah is that! 1, Columbia …..…. 2, Columbia…. 3, Israel sells back to us our own oil… …… 4, Maersk delivers drugs and Israeli guns to Liverpool.……, 5, “Epidemic’ of psychotic patients hooked on monkey dust” 6, Mossad on tour …..7, MP Ruth Smeeth batting for Israel, But then of course how hard would it be to limbo dance beneath’… just in Britain alone,… rules and regulations of border control, Sea ports, Airports, Passport Office, courts and Jails etc when it is gate kept by the Jewish global security firm G4S which is owned by the Jew “Brian Kingham” now babysitting a drug fuelled network of chaos in UK Jails. Meanwhile 10,000 children in care went missing last year, and the local, and now regional adoption agency guru’ .. “Jewish”… “Barry Kushner” of Liverpool CC children’s services happens to be in a pivotal supply and demand position. Or maybe! it’s just another coincidence that Lisa Osofsky director of UK’s Serious Fraud Office married to lawyer husband Marc Wasserman gets to be another gate keeper.
It’s plain to see the battle for Europe did not end on D-day 1945. The victorious Jewish Bolsheviks aided by their tools Churchill and Roosevelt presented a gateless pathway through governmental halls and corridors of the vanquished are the same international Jews that hand out loyalty peerages like toffee apples to their select, while promoting quango £rust funds and a plethora of Zio-Marxists non-Europeans having gradually conditioned us over decades to view Zio-Marxism as the moral option … problem, reaction, solution. Link …. to be sure everything fits the Jewish narrative ie MP David Lammy
Almost the entire global power switch has taken place by this self-proclaimed non-white tribe. They have subverted the administration within corridors of power, commerce, and secret societies in accordance with their fixed road plan. The Jewish ‘count’ Alois Lexa von Aehrenthal in Austria who cleared a root that ignited WWI is a prime example of this positioning. Then, of course, how else, could Jews be so disproportionately represented during the ‘Nobel peace prize’ display?
Meanwhile a gift of 96% of the world’s media rights goes to 6 Jewish companies. This media coverage guarantees that Jewish propaganda has global exposure to pervert and deprave all gentiles. It is high time that we prescribed Judaism as a radical terrorist organisation. It uses our cities as sanctuary for sleeper agents, grafted in imports and pseudo-religious minorities. Here their tribe is secured and safely camouflaged.
Already it’s not hard to appreciate that race is a vital issue indeed the only solution to end this contrived chaos. It is their international tribal (((hegemony))) that maintains a hold over Europe and the world. Jewish Zio-Marxist tools are used to deliberately divide Europeans, coursing suspicion and alienation. You need to face down false guilt and intimidation enforced through Jewish Zio-Marxist formulas like ‘racist’ because the only way to defend our people is to restore our racial empathy. So, to all you lemmings if you want a safe future for your family and not this slow kill hateful policy take heed now. Remember compound interest is compound Judaism…. compound Judaism = Jew v gentile. The answer to their hate is race …Reclaim it….. race matters….
Jewish Zionism is not organic and does not think in moderation. It is an artificial mechanism, complex and counterproductive to the natural order of things. It takes control of all major professional sports programs, leagues and clubs right across the sports spectrum. Look closer they are now owned by either Jewish Oligarchs or their Wahhabi cousins. This they use as a source for socially engineering the gentile into small easy to handle fractional packs. The Jew and his crypto-Jewish cousins see the gentile as nothing more than distracted idiots who can be hypnotically triggered into whatever action is needed. Nevertheless the Jew relaxes in the knowledge that the ‘simple public, having been indoctrinated and enticed with trendy superficial market forces is unaware of the long term consequences. The gradually drip feeding into credit card dependency and the depletion of their own wealth, inheritance and freedoms. Inevitable servitude follows what will then be the landless mass totally dependent on the ideology for food and material so long as they retain an activated credit card from the same Jewish administration…
Heed the warnings Jews are well prepared for their manufactured eruption; these dual Passport holders who secure their own nation within all nations swear loyalty only to Judaism and reap all the benefits feeding on that “Israel”, nucleolus, these wandering pirates are now arming up all synagogues across Europe and America and should be seen as a clear warning. 1….., 2……,
Public pressure has triggered the Jew media to highlight Unknown territory: America’s secret archipelago of UK bases that the US = Israel still retain a Military presence in Britain it doesn’t take a genius to work out that in Britain alone old disused WWII US army bases with there subterranean bunker bolt holes may still be, covertly playing a leading roll a hidden network obviously protecting the Jewish Diaspora.
The Talmudic message for tribal Jew has always been Division is unity!!
So the next time you feel the need to support the Jew remember what the Israeli politician Naftali Bennett Minister of Diaspora Affairs stated according to Israeli mainstream outlets: There could be as many as 90/15om Jews out in the diaspora, so when these wandering dual passport holders within occupied nation states coordinate support rallies to sway public opinion for flooding in immigrants, it is to accelerate demographic changes in order to kill diversity.
Rememberer Jews have been very successful destroying a nations last line of defence “Protectionism/Nationalism”
Foot Note!!
Britain’s July 2019 Scam Election update:
How lucky are Jw’s! Or is it just favorably cohen’incidental that Britain’s July 2019 government re-shuffle chose a Jewish PM, dual passport holder!; “Borris Johnson” and in the same lucky spin chose former “aid to Mossad” “MP Pri Patel” as the “New Home Secretary”; then went onto select a former leader of the B’nai B,rth “MP Grant Shapps” now “Foreign Secretary” sitting alongside former Foreign Secretary “Dominic Raab“! Or what about Britain’s new Zionist Chancellor “Sajid Javid” August 2019 canceled his maiden speech to meet up for a tribal unilateral emergency meeting with his saboteur counterparts “Steven Mnuchin” and “Larry Kudlow” from US National Economic Council to discus future “kvetching” and “virtue signalling” for their “Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council.” (((their shadow government))) gate keepers here in GB.
…… Now that does reinforce a Jew cabinet and secures a run of Israeli friends …
Is it possible that a so called “small persecuted community” out in their diaspora of coeh’incidence could have such luck at every spin, and in a “winner takes all dialectic” the 70+ year old “Israel” slides off in it’s own impervious secretion as if it’s all just normal circumstances?
Even “Trump”; the plastic king maker, with his Jew Kushner string puller son in-law is just another cohen’incidence ….
What does it take to become part of this supremacist cohen’incidental loop?
Are we being warned in Liverpool that it is not healthy to point the finger, or ban kosher meat because it seems to me “cohen’incidence” is breathing down the neck of so called …. white privilege!
This is why I understand how the pedophile “aid and abet” Mayor “Joe Anderson” in a show of appeasement during the same government reshuffle had the cities accounts reconfigured to solvency by £735m from his Jew private Bank of England friends who safe seat his position. But I’m sure the paedo friend Joe will conjure up some other fictional debt crisis to pendulum us all back into order while the other Jw Kushner “councillor Barry” positions himself for the 2020 Mayoral, deputy, or cabinet position to sink us further into their fictional mountain of “national debt” and Louise Ellman, Beatrice Frankel…., Gideon Bentovin..., Luciana Burger... and Max Steinburg etc will always be available as back up!!
Maybe it’s just another cohen’sidence that J’sh companies “Serco” and “G4S” get a chunk share of the £4b tender as a preferred contractor for dumping and distributing immigrant invaders into “squats”, or “safe houses” in and around Britain, while Jw’sh bankers in tandem with their “Shetar” gate keepers staring up a perfect storm have enough asset repossessions to fill, or hide a continent of sleeper agents. The recent India and Kashmir (Pakistani and Indian) crisis even punctuates the fact that these immigrants still fester, from back home their own religious, racial and border disputes as seen in Birmingham August 2019. Or maybe it’s just my imagination seeing the (((Jewish Banker criminals))) importing tribal sectarianism yet forcing us to integrate, and more so concentrate on a symptom that distracts from the bigger problem.
Then to compound reinforcements BRUSSELS (JTA) — HIAS, another Jewish-American agency have even opened an office in the European Union’s capital that is geared toward empowering (((their deep-seated communities))) too, not only bring in more Jews but also to work with and assist other immigrants under the auspices of asylum-seeking; and who better to have in a safe seat to secure policy, charity fronts and benevolence than Mossad agent’s MP
The banker criminals, at the “push of a button” have us in a privatized Yiddish ambush, a global automated system that has been formulated in “China” who’s conditioned materialistic goy folk now view “heritage and tradition” as nothing more than a marketable “paradox” for export and tourism, a spin 360′ Jw trick to entrap Goy nations under their “Shetar” Judicial system Lennie Hoffmann, Baron Hoffmann Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong = Communism/Marxism/capitalism. But then who would have thought that Jw control having manufactured conditions across the world” to have it seen by “gullible goy” as biblical prophecy; The success of which sees Jw’s confident enough to have (((their))) “Hague international center of law” transferred to their criminal headquarters; “Israel!” designated as the capitol of all international law. “Jews, Christians Meet in Netherlands to Call the Nations Back to Jerusalem”
So in my estimation Israel is doing just fine! Meanwhile white privilege across all European nations dominate the “self destruct button” and observing pattern recognition, basic arithmetic on the balance of probability is just “hate think….So be careful pointing the finger because being loyal to dual passports is not Mossad…., Shin Bet...., Sayenim…, B,nai B,rth or Hasbara!!… Observing such would be, much too “Jw savvy” in it’s thought, Yet is the trigger for their anti-Semitism industry to send forth “shabos goy puppets” to hate us. Meanwhile a nice dual passport holder in the US, NeoCon billionaire Paul Singer is sending US tech jobs to Israel …Oy Vey!!
But then again!! What does the Jw “Jeremy Corbyn” have to say about this table tennis game of semantic trickery which decides the dialectic of “left and right”?
Think You Know How Deep Trump-Russia Goes? Think Again: This Chart/Info Will Blow Your Mind – enlarge criminal network here.
Trump ♥ Putin – Trump Russian Mafia Connections Exposed BayRock Thread Chabad Mafia | Felix Sater Roger Stone
See here…. for one of many prime examples of how these Yiddish tricksters work without money or the input of personal labor other than jiggle book-keeping that can be done sitting on a deck chair in Tel Aviv. But then question “what else is being achieved at these Yiddish trust Torah schools and Yeshiva universities that seem to churn out well-versed students in benevolent charity trust’s, drug and body organ harvest networking and the closed market game of “blue sky” (fresh air) no money scams and Rabbinical ponsey schemes that seem to vacuum global assets into their “Shetar” and “Kehillah” network of plunder until the heat is on then; close up shop and head right back to their enriched headquarters “Israel” with their “sitting in wait” booty!.
Enforcing (((their))) Perception…..Part 1/5
The Antithesis……………………………Part 2/5
5th Columnists.…………………………Part 3/5
Oblast the Roach to Birobidzhan..Part 4/5
Commercial Redemption………….. Part 5/5
16 responses to “5th Columnists – Part 3/5 Not so ‘Kosher’ Holocaust business..”
[…] via Not so ‘Kosher’ Holocaust business.. Part 3/5 […]
[…] Not so ‘Kosher’ Holocaust business.. Part 3/5 – 5th Columnists […]
I believe the Nobel Peace Prize came about due to the Nobel Brothers and Rothschild collusion on oil transportation from the Baku oil fields and grew from there.
Worthy of research is the Rothschilds Baku to Batumi oil pipeline which I believe was behind the Armenian Holocaust…….
Reblogged this on Tommy Roberts and commented:
I’m guessing that in typically noble Aryan or rather “too blond” sentiment, we White goyim figured we should give the poor devil a “head start” in the race we didn’t know we were competing in, to win the last, dry, stale, biscuit in Ye O’l Biscuit Tin.
The Bolshevik/Russian Revolution, WW1/WW2, contemporary Greater Israel-PNAC-Neocon Wars for Balkanisation, the Invasion of Europe, corporate indoctrinated careerists ambitiously facilitating our ZOG’s to confuse, divide and own us, ad nauseam. All this and more is so well outlined in this illuminating article by, Peter Quiggins.
Yes. White people as history has too well proved can be such well intended, losers. Especially when we’re believing we are the winners we so clearly aren’t. Perhaps we’re just trying to figure out if it’s because we’re so unutterably, stupid or too utterly, nice … or the other way around with the utter-lies?
Yes. We are too easily duped, divided amongst ourselves and/or against the enemy of our enemy who we’ve failed to identify ’cause we ‘hope’ … as opposed to having any real ability to actually ‘think’ or see the reality in front of our eyes … the enemy, is our ally.
Notice how even the last five words in my above paragraph, if not read correctly with respect to grammar and context, are susceptible to contradictory interpretations. Yes, the devil is certainly in the details. The devil is also however in academia and particularly, bureaucracy.
So giving too much or all attention and credibility to details while affording too little respect to human intuition, common sense, practical life experience, personal sincerity of insight into the human condition etc. is a great mistake. Yes, a whole-istic approach is required.
Predictably, as Neoliberalism attests, the devil attempts to de-value the worth of the most profound philosophical qualities and human attributes while hijacking them, along with everything else, under the guise of fancy, disingenuously magnanimous terms such as Globalism.
How demoralising it can be to wake up on a Monday morning to be reminded one is owned. Grim.
So, for me at the least, it begs the question. What exactly do I need to do about it all in order to put it right or rather, fix it, so it’s made good and proper?
Suggestions? … from Dad’s Army perhaps?
– Tommy R
[…] reading here…. 5th Columnists – Part 3/5 Not so ‘Kosher’ Holocaust […]
[…] Jew Savvy and Mossad alert! […]
[…] Further reading 5th Columnists […]
[…] Can the world sustain disjointed politics and clown like acting from a vicious enemy hell bent on the destruction of hierarchical order that must be formed in order to get anything done. Hierarchies are never set in stone, but I certainly would yield and follow those who know more than me when it comes to putting things right. I think we’ve followed no solutionism long enough, and the ripe solutions is for National Solulutionsim. Is it really that hard for people to want to have a better life? Link. […]
The forever impervious victims!!
Yes and take note…… Mentioning the word Jew or Muslim is not anti-Semitic, or racist. Semitism is a language, and be sure of this”, Their Anti-Semitic trick is not about the hate for Jw’s,…. it’s about who Jw’s hate!.
How Tavistock helped the ADL make the Jews ‘victims’
“Lewin’s specialty that had attracted the interest of Tavistock, was the study of groups and the mechanisms by which
they interact. In developing laws of what he called “group
dynamics,” Lewin argued that all society could be divided
into groups, whose members shared a set of assumptions
about common experiences; if one wanted to control and manipUlate society, then various groups could be played off
against each other, by manipulating their perceptions.”
The Jw Kurt Lewin –
Looks like the Shetar is in full play having set the stage for them to deal with Jw savvy unofficial thinkers. The recently discovered official document revealing the EU-Israel partnership through the LAWTRAIN Project in the framework of the EU HORIZON 2020 which is a European license for Israeli torture working alongside EU police having been trained up in Israel.
The so called “project” is meant to unify the methodology for interrogation among Israeli and EU police forces and is a de facto normalization of Israel’s most cruel practices, including physical and psychological torture, ill-treatment, arbitrary detention, threats, racial discrimination. With the risk of proliferation of Israeli practices in EU countries, European justice systems risk intensification of inhumane treatment, too. Recognizing as legal the Israeli systems of oppression such as inhuman techniques of torture, the EU is violating its obligations under international law.
Punctuating the New World Order = Jew world order… JWO
Jerusalem rabbi arrested for ‘holding women in slavery’
Dominican Republic Provides Sosua as a Haven for Jews
No smoke without fire!
Feds: Possible drugs at meat plant.
Feds: Drugs made at kosher meat plant
“Likewise, the communist bosses in Russia, practically all of which are Jews, have accumulated unto themselves all the riches of the countryside. While the communist slave laborer is toiling away twelve hours a day and then comes home to a dingy, dirty, filthy, crowded little apartment shared with other families, his Jewish bosses have opulent palaces spread all over the countryside. They drive the best of cars, chauffeur driven, of course, and eat the best of foods. Not only that, but they have the best of planes at their disposal to fly wherever they see fit to govern their slave laborers. These Jewish communist bosses usually also have at their disposal imported clothes and tailors and a galaxy of servants. When they need a rest from running their slave empire, they have private villas on the Black Sea or other choice vacation spots at their beck and call. And so it goes in the Proletarian Worker’s Paradise.”
It seems to me Judaic Christianity could be the root of the first dialectic, a back up security, a last line of defence, knowing that (((they))) could always rely on Judaic Christianity to help (((them))) survive!
“In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites. In fact, there are so many similarities in the two programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected. That author is the international Jewish network. They and they alone wrote both the creed of Christianity and the creed of communism. Both communism and Christianity preach against materialism.
Communism designates those productive and creative forces of our society to which we owe in such large part the benefits of a productive white civilization, as ‘bourgeois.’ It then lashes out with unparalleled fury at the bourgeois and tells us over and over again that they must be destroyed. Instead of giving credit where credit is due, it slanders and vilifies these constructive and productive elements, namely the bourgeois or the capitalists, as the ultimate in evil.
Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. It tells us that we should ‘sell all thou hast and give it to the poor’: an insidious piece of advice that, if followed, would make us all a pack of roving bums and beggars. It would most surely cause the breakdown of our society. Christianity further tells us ‘lay not up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven.’ Throughout, the implication is clear. Don’t accumulate unto yourself any of the good things in life. If, through hard work, you’ve already managed to accumulate some wealth, get rid of it, give it away, give it to the poor, above all, give it to the Church, they’ll take it, with relish. The net result of this fantastically bad advice, of course, is that it will more easily pass into the hands of the Jews, who do not subscribe to such foolishness. They hope to make fools of us, knowing very well the old saying ‘A fool and his money are soon parted’ is only too true.”