If not, It would be denying the 16.5m+ Europeans who were purposely starved and murdered in the Ukraine from 1921-1947 in three mechanised famines perpetrated by the Jew Lenin and his henchman Stalin.; It was this Jewish lead revolution which subverted and land grabbed that European nation for the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
Make the War Referendum go viral… Best hash tags for:
They are coming for “our businesses” and “homes”.…. So, lets go after theirs!
Farmers here! …. Truck drivers here!….Train drivers here! …..Bus drivers here!….
Taxis drivers here! ……. Football here…….. Vaccine here.…….. Nationalism here.…. enoughisenough here… Trade Unions here…. Pro JCBCF activists here… Workers here ….
Because: “Gottfried Feder is the storm”