If not, It would be denying the 16.5m+ Europeans who were purposely starved and murdered in the Ukraine from 1921-1947 in three mechanised famines perpetrated by the Jew Lenin and his henchman Stalin.; It was this Jewish lead revolution which subverted and land grabbed that European nation for the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
“Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Patriot
Or it would be denying the Jewish lead NKVD who today, continue to racially cleanse away Ukrainians/Europeans in another land grab on instructions from Israel’s man in the Kremlin, former KGB agent, “Vladimir Putin” the BRICS banking Tzar who poodles for, and on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
It would be denying the “Nazino horror camp” were they put God fearing European’s for and on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
‘Ilya Ehrenburg was a Jewish Bolshevik writer and journalist. Ehrenburg was best known as the top war propagandist for the Bolsheviks during World War II. During this time, he exhorted Bolshevik troops to kill and rape Europeans that stood in their way. Ehrenburg authored an especially vitriolic leaflet entitled “Kill,” which was circulated among the Bolshevik Communists on the Eastern Front:
“Break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill! You gallant soldiers of the Red army.” – Jewish Bolshevik Ilya Ehrenburg” More European women had been raped than ever before in the history of the world. They abused and starved to death more babies than there ever were Jews in Germany. They raped and debauched millions of European women and children from eight to eighty. They brought to their death five times as many Germans in one year of peace as died during five years of war.”
Its not in my nature to deny that the holocaust of around 70m+ god fearing Europeans who sacrificed their lives fighting in WWII; all based on Allied lie’s of racism and Semitic trickery for the benefit of the Jewish Central Banker crime families to land grab and secure their Usury and Shetar scam over the Europeans.
It’s against my nature to deny the land grab and holocaust of 58,000+, mostly German nationals, in the Danzig corridor that sparked off WWII carried out by Bolshevik Jews and their Marxist agents on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker criminal families.
It would be denying the massacre in “The Katyn Forest” during the land grab of Poland in 1939 for and on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker criminal families. ….2nd link here…..
It’s against my nature to deny the holocaust that murdered 3m god fearing German soldiers after WWII, carried out by Americas Jewish president Eisenhower in his Rhine Meadows death camps where he purposely (using goyim American soldiers) starved German soldiers/NS to death, holed up in open fields with no food or shelter until they succumbed to the elements, disease, weakness and starvation during the successful land grab for and on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
It’s against my nature to deny the Jewish final solution of 1941 to sterilise the Germans out of existence with “The Morgenthau plan” nor would I deny the attempted murder of 6 million Germans with poison using “The Jewish Abba Kovner plan vie their water supply“ after the war, along with the rape of 2-3 million German women during the land grab, for and on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
It is not in my nature to deny the Chinese holocaust of 80m+ goyim that the Harbin, Kaifeng. and Shanghai Bolshevik Jews slaughtered during (((their))) Mao revolution and massive land grab, for and on behalf of the Jewish Central Banker crime families.
It’s against my nature to deny the land grab and holocaust, burnt offering of hundreds of thousands of Japanese goyim in the knowledge that Japan had already surrendered at the end of WWII, burnt offering in the form of the nuclear devastation brought on by Nagasaki and Hiroshima (two Christian strongholds) slaughtered by the hand of Jewish Central Banker crime families and their Oppenheimer bomb experiment.
It’s against my nature to deny the holocaust and burnt offering of over 3,000 innocent goyim souls on 911 by Israel’s Mossad to start another middle eastern war to land grab for the Jewish Central Banker crime families…… Google 5 dancing Israeli’s ….. Pull it!……
It’s against my nature to deny that there is a holocaust going on today in Iraq, which is part of the Oded Yinon plan to land grab and create a greater Israel which has claimed goyim civilians, almost 1m burnt offerings by, and on behalf of the Jew central Banker crime families.
It’s against my nature to deny the holocaust and the land grab of Darfur that has resulted in many 100’s of thousands, or could be untold millions of goyim deaths by bought and paid for puppet leaders and mercenaries, once again for and on behalf of the Jew Central Banker crime families..
It’s against my nature to deny the land grab and holocaust going on TODAY in Palestine resulting in the displacement of over 4 MILLION goyim and untold deaths of hundreds of thousands or millions of mostly civilians, including women and children by and on behalf of THE JEW central Banker crime families.
Will I deny this next one from these same “well poisoners/money changers” Covid19 “Phony Coroni” Cohan19 scam as they kill and land grab for the Jew Central Banker crime families…. No!
But! It is in my nature to claim the “Holocaust” from the plagiarist Jew who
cash cow use it to hide Jew crimes and falsely claim and promote themselves “(((victim celebre)))”.
Jewish Democracy = Zio-Communist trap!…. Isn’t it great”
Those who did 911.. “Israel”.. spoilt our Christmas… “Not China”… Well done Israel!”
Which 6m do we have to suffer?
Has it sunk in yet!”
(((The Central Banker crime families))) have us all feeling sorry for them!…. They know” The door is still “slightly open” for us!
The only suffering the impervious Jew suffers is… criticism!.
The Holodomor Happened To Europeans just like us!
I am a ”Bolshevik survivor”
17 responses to “Deny the Holocaust!… I claim it””
I couldn’t agree with you more. And, now, they are trying to bring a Bolshevik-style Revolution to America. They have nealy destroyed Western Europe with their planned North African and Multicultural invasion. People really do need to wake up!!
Smiling is now a hate crime!
I’m afraid the new Biden administration is going to ramp up the wars in the Middle-East, especially Syria. They may also revisit Ukraine and Venezuela. The establishment had decided to never let anyone who isn’t one of them into the White House again. I believe Trump won the election and these evil bastards thieved it in the early morning of November 5th. Without a new civil war, R.I.P. America
Israel wins again! ….. The Proud boy “queens” seen to that, no plan other than chaos! ….
“Tally ho” sheep…. follow us “Nancy PB’s” into the house of “Shabbat”……. We don’t have a solution or a plan once were in, but it does look good for the Medea. (another Iraq episode = from chaos = Israel)
It’s not very sophisticated but it always works…..
Trump was elected from the outset to cast blame on Nationalism for all failings. now the Jew Medea has it’s narrative to fall back on to suppress Nationalism ..
The choice ….. Trump/Israel v Clinton/Israel or today, Trump/Israel v Biden/Israel….
if your choice is red, dark red or light red what could ever be the outcome …. Israel = “The central Banker crime families”
If “autarky” and an “interest free banking” economic system is not the objective; then what sort of leader plans a future based on debt. Well done proud girls ,,,, next time do it in high heels and combats and (((we’ll))) make a film of it!
The Kehilla
The Bolshevisation of America (Edited 2)
Israel and Jewish political lobbies seem to be behind all the corrupt and criminal action in North America and Western Europe. Russia and much of Eastern Europe have rid themselves of most Talmudic/Zionist/Oligarchic influence in their nations while the Globalist nightmare in Western Europe and North America continues unabetted. Western Europe and North America are becoming the new Soviet Union. Are the Gulags be around the corner?
Putin is with them, the berlin wall come down to expand communism.
Trump loves Putin xxx
Trump controlled by Mossad – – https://fitzinfo.net/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/
“Maybe it’s just another coincidence that the Jw’s new puppet leader in Donald Trump is surrounded by a Cabalistic cartel…Business as usual !!…. Can one be as naïve as to think that it is normal protocol for nominated world leaders to dine the night before their inauguration with the chief Rabbi of the nation. Having donated (machatonim) his daughter (entrance fee) to the tribe, Donald Trump’s inauguration was like a bar mitzvah here….
In Obamas case, on one occasion in 2015 unconstitutionally had to remain absent to allow the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address the US congress, and all told received 25 standing ovations from a full house of ‘boot licker’s’ like he is some sort of global superstar
“We must preserve the conclusions of the Nuremberg trials and remind everyone about the truth of WWII. We will not allow the memory of the past to be distorted. We must remember the holocaust, the victims, the executions.”
Zionist poodle Vladimir Putin, The Bolsheviks gave him new clothes.
I’m not sure you are right about Putin. Yes, he appears to be interested in keeping the Zionists happy, but, if he was truly on their side he wouldn’t be in Syria, fighting Daesh. Putin seems to be interested in what is good for Russia, and, having a port in the Mediterranian is what is good for Russia. The Israeli’s want to destroy Syria for two reasons. Their number one reason is the Oded Yinon plan or the Greater Israel Project which is basically a pipedream that sees Israel’s borders from the Nile to the Euphrates with a border with Turkey in the North which means the elimination of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon and most of Iraq. Their second reason is Genie Oil in the Golan, or should I say Stolen Heights. They have huge resources of natural gas and oil and they want a pipeline through Syria which Assad has forbidden.
The patterns and cohen’cidences show a different outcome …..
“Yes… Israel has this well-groomed, in wait global police force, buttressed with Putin’s USSR Jw’Bolshevik old guard and their in waiting Eurasian (also filled with hate fuelled Goy) foot soldiers, this is (((their))) final push for world dominance that will deliver the in waiting monetary system “similar to, or if not Putin’s “BRICS” banking miracle.”
Peter, If Putin wanted to accomidate the Israeli’s why did he get involved in Syria and basically saved Assad’s bacon? If he wanted to help Israel he wouldn’t have got involved at all. Putin got rid of most of the Jewish Oligarchs which were destroying the Russian economy when he grabbed the leadership mantle. I have heard many criticisms of Putin always calling him a Zionist puppet, but, his actions say something else. His actions are diametrically opposite of Zionist interests.
“The Perestroika deception is Soviet Russia’s faking of its own death in the 1990s as a way of lulling the West to sleep over the communist threat, thus advancing its world communist agenda unhindered.”—Timothy Fitzpatrick
Yes i’v heard the same but my conclusions say different: Helping Syria is protecting Israel!
“Putin has sent forth over 5m prowling Bolsheviks from his new Novorossia and Eurasia ‘Muslim’ alliance, reinforcing his new Bolshevik vanguard globally and still, not with standing all the above, an Israel Wins Joint Drone Contract To Monitor Europe’s Coast ”
Communism never succeeds. Trump really blew it with this whole storming of the Capitol Hill- a desperate man. Some have compared him to Hitler but I say Hitler was a much better orator.
The success of the Perestroika deception is the simplicity of its disguise.
“The Perestroika deception is Soviet Russia’s faking of its own death in the 1990s as a way of lulling the West to sleep over the communist threat, thus advancing its world communist agenda unhindered.”—Timothy Fitzpatrick
Communism is up and running and have us in this lockdown. Trump works for them (Central banker crime families) Hitler was their nemesis, and still is, and always will be.
They know if his national Socialist economic system catches on they are finished.
Communism may be up and running but it certainly doesn’t originate from Russia any longer. If you want to see Communism in action, just watch Western Europe and North America. And, of course, there is China and some satellites pushing Marxist garbage, also.
just an observation: someone pointed out to me that Free speech Monika has apparently been shut down by WP. I also read the FB has banned holocaust denial type posts. My humble opinion matters not but I guess I judge people individually and not as a group unless they are coming at me with machetes etc. Words and rhetoric can be deflected and debated. As for Trump- is was and always will be an arse.
How can Russia helping Syria be good for Israel? Sorry, Peter, it doesn’t make any sense. You may be putting too much credence on Ostrovsky. I gave it credence in the ’90’s’ but, not now.
[…] Read more here – https://peterquiggins.wordpress.com/2021/01/07/deny-the-holocaust-i-claim-it/ […]