If you had been given an option to roll over, and compound your inheritance and live your life “debt free” or continue being a “debt slave” to, i.e mortgage, car, food, health care, education, stock market inflation alongside having conjured up court charges attached to you or your spouse…. What would you choose?
“Interest free banking” or “(((Central Banking)))”?
If the answer is “Interest free” that option still exists but is silenced into obscurity by all the divisive party politicians “left” and “right” these (((Central Bankers))) Victors of WWII control both sides for a reason!
If you cant access the below video because of the Jew restrictions imposed on us here in Britain…. Go here instead while it lasts.
Death by toxins and paper cuts!
Would you like to heat your home 24/7 during winter without the worry of death or more debt, daily feed your family fresh nutrient rich food, be free of “fix nothing charities” and “benevolent trusts” who’s only objective is money laundering, tax avoidance, politician and celebrity platforming for media credit for those in the lucrative, yet decadent, live in luxury loop.
Are you content with drip feed energy technology that we are offered to this day or, would you prefer a faster alternative being rolled out in the basic understanding of probability that! “one of many already exist”!
Are you happy with big Pharma and (((their))) Phony Coroni lock down that has caused health issues, deaths, and of suicide far greater than the “pland’emic” that is shepherding us globally into economic destruction which is helping roll out the new mechanism of global control “the cashless society”
Are you aware that the controlling mechanism for the powers that be is money!; and to safe-guard that control the cunning (((crime families))) use “race”, “Antisemitism” and “distorted archive film footage” to attack or suppress the last line of defence within all nations, the real “Nationalist” who consciously pursues all the above “Social” remedies for it’s folk of each respective nation which is proof enough that (((they))) attach “money” to “race” and why (((they))) hate, and manipulate race politics and why (((they))) media platform truth as hate with politically correct semantics and anti racist contradictions which oppress white opinion while rolling out back door communism.
Race and nation is the the enemy of the (((Central Banker crime families))) because it is the rout to protectionism and “Autarky” which can be secured within the “Gottfried Feder economic model”. Protectionism through an autarkic leader is a closed economy for self-sufficiency, a leadership economy that removes the saboteurs in order to (if needs be) temporally cease to trade with the outside world until it has reinvigorated internally its own industrious, in house economy of “labour and production” working the economy “bottom upwards” instead of “Zio-Corporate Capitalism” downwards which propagandists (((WWII victors within their zio-controlled media and literature))) allude to (deflective intent) as being a Marxist doctrine which is the complete opposite to the reality that “protective Autarky” is the “unspoken of secret, and antithesis” to (((their NWO))) which the (((International pirates))) had to shut down in 1945, and continues to debase its noble intent.
Do you see it yet? Why “protective Autarky” is silenced into obscurity by these “L” and “R” politicians that drive divisive party politics? See Feders protective Autarky here!
No unity can be trusted or achieved with nationalist from all, or any Euro nation/s in the world, America, Australia, Europe etc … Unless … (((central banking))) = (((Usury, fractional reserve banking))) is the ultimate target. If (((central banking))) survives after, or during any assertive unity, then it follows …we are in the hands of the same (((central banker crime families))) who are playing out a dialectic through that same “Perestroika deception” which caused the feigned collapse of the Berlin wall in 1989 which expanded communism into all western nations and is still in play today…
There’s no Pu’tin and the west it’s just the (((central banker crime families))) playing the dialectic.
Goyim...wake up! you are in the final stages of a farming cull because (((they))) know if folk get a “whiff” of the alternative to their depopulation program; (((their))) days are numbered!
Now you know how Jews play the Democracy trick, and why (((they))) sent you to (((there))) distorted Anglo schools!; and why your duty bound to resist!
)w control Banks invade and capture Interest-Free Europe see here
Now watch the following information video and let the facts sink in!
12 responses to ““(((Central Banking)))” or “Interest Free”?”
thanks for that Pete, brilliant info.
watched the fascifist video, I could listen to his voice all day.
excellent piece of work.
End the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank, US).
#EndTheFed #Banksters #CentralBank #FiatMoney
So, maybe you have some insight into this. My wife and I modify Dave Ramsey’s “bible based” programme “Financial Peace.” Aim is to get off the credit teat and live within our means as much as can be allowed now. Outside this, it’s a matter of building local intentional community to foster regional Independence from the current globalist capital network. Männerbund, we call it, at least until we have a better word. Figure organic and ideological communities are a good bulwark against the wider world.
“First they came for the Sovereign, then for Industry, then for the communities, then the pensioners, then for the unemployed, then for the smokers then the drinkers, and then for the disabled and it will go on until they rule the fuckin lot.”
Including distracted so called independent communities.
We cant avoid these rats unless we face “The Jw problem” by taking them all out!
Wake up people …We are being farmed!!
Greetings and thank you for all the research and material, Peter. Nothing to contribute at this moment other than my very best New Year’s wishes.
Let New Year’s snow fall – Moranbong Band (DPRK)
@JuliusSkoolafish – Greetings to you also …. Lets hope it beams for all goyim this new year. PQ xx
[…] Korea must be a source of worry to the (((Jew central bankers))). It could even be the trigger to wake up other nations who live in […]
The Gottfried Feder economic model …Blood and soil … is “anti free market” and “anti interest slavery” the model prints sovereign money in exchange for folks labour and production, and creates a sovereign credit system that equates to …. no Inflation…. no debt…no unemployment… and no need for income taxes … Nor does it rely on foreign banks or parasite speculators.
Feder takes back the National Insurance number from the Jewish Central Banker Crime Families (JCBCF) and makes the people the rightful shareholders.
When will folk wake up to the reality and the significance of the National Insurance number (NI).
An example use of the NI is the doctors prescription once signed by the patient, it initiates the flow of money for the Jewish Central Banker Crime Families (JCBCF) weather you pay cash upfront or not, it is their double dip scam that finances our downfall.
The NI in Scotland’s case, our Celtic brothers and sisters are treated to the “carrot and stick” method, free prescriptions, free university fees to keep the Scottish loyal in their Fiscal legal scam which play acts a detachment from the JCBCF while sustaining the SNP border split to divide and rule over our people…. Well done Israel
Folk and Land –
[…] (((Central Banking)))” or “Interest Free”? […]