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Why is it anti-Semitic to talk about the Jewish criminal Banker families the money changers/well poisoners?

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We goyim are living in a Jewish controlled consumer bubble which is destined to implode, a system driven by a self-imposed (((exilic cabal))) of solvent gate keepers. These are the same cabalists who retain dual citizenship and loyalty to Israel to retain “Aliyah” (assets and plunder). The Zio-Capitalist system they have us looped in cannot sustain escalating growth forever and the cracks have been appearing in its illicit façade for decades. It doesn’t take much logic to work that out, but that is the point of their sort,” imposing Capitalism “to fail”.

Zionist Capitalism is about programming fear while controlling planned failure ie manufactured wars and division, economic power shifts, employment disruption, slave labour, reduced quality and production, a cyclfical disaster of planned obsolescence a system, or product designed to fail that manipulates the global market, a win or lose situation for these rats” … either way” these cabalist money changers win as they feed and manage both sides “up” or “down.

Once collectively or individually we are drawn in or engage in this materialistic cycle it’s hard to escape as the system draws you ever closer to the expanding vortex. Yet that vortex is spinning forever faster while security and safety is getting further away from you and your family.

Zio-Capitalism entices you to consume, over indulge and exhausts you in to competing while trying to balance your encouraged debts. It promotes progress and success but continually moves the goal posts through destructive government policy that you can hardly navigate or contemplate as logic. The Zio-system spits out numerous consumer casualties who fail to keep up who are intentionally bottlenecked to become long term, unemployed state dependants. This is an undignified system meant to increase their commodity that feeds into the ‘privatised corporate’ employment cycle that then gives re-employment incentives based on gender, ethnicity or political persuasion. This sick cycle dilutes your historic NI contributions into the hands of their voting immigrant imports, but then drip feeds back your share entitlements as state benefits that get used as ransom if you fail to accept the official narrative or their politically correct agenda.

‘We are here to help you! You want your dignity back, that we can give you” Have you tried voluntary work? We have plenty”

What the Jewish cabal has accomplished is a privatised system void of conscience through a Jewish controlld government. A so called peace time policy that puppets your very existence.

This privatised system does not exist to find us work it exists to keep the machine well-oiled with obedient livestock “you”, a machine created by just a few single minded Jewish banker crime families, and their 650 Zionist Parliamentary puppets.

Yes! That’s all it takes for a multi billionair to buy a first world country outright “650” paid for trouble makers playing table tennis with our lives who secure a trickle down pyramid system within their ‘privatised civil service’ which is full of cherry picked obedient Frankfurt school pen pushers corroding away the dignity and worth of our people for the sake of job security and what they believe to be a secured future pension.

At what point will you stand back and recognise this system feeds from you, participating gives the system strength through either” disadvantages your placed in” or through consume programming that seeds the vanity’s and the over indulgent dysfunctional brain which will continue to contaminate society unless we collectively recognise the in wait remedy and stand united to put an end to this suicidal insanity.

By replacing Jewish controlled Usury with an interest free monetary system as offered through the Gottfried Feder economic model secured through Autarky that will serve the people instead of people serving the money, we use Protectionist and Distributionist policies and encourage local-ism and re-engage the guilds of craftsmen from all cottage and micro industries to work the free market economy and cross border trade upwards instead of debt usury top downwards this will ignite 100% employment and put real value and worth back into our land and folk which will collapse the power of the Jewish money changers with their fractional reserve criminal banking system that is based on a game of roulette.

The Feder system is a system based on natures natural laws applied to politics.

No more globalism, no more planned obsolescence, no more open all borders that feeds Zio-internationalism, it will put an end to the sanctified motto ‘Division is Unity’ which belongs to these self-imposed exilic people who secure nations within host nations. .. see  Planned Obsolescence vid here!

Gott mit uns Goyim.

Humanity should be left to organically evolve at its own pace without the sinister ‘guiding’ hand of these biblical money changers.

The 2013 war in Syria is a prime example which may be showing another true enemy of Usury, president Bashar al-Assad who I beleive prevented Jewish Zionism dividing that nation, Assad just like Gadhafi (who was murdered for water, oil and for the Jews to install a central bank) had forged alliances with Christians, Muslims and other religions, it is about time we too participate in these short term mutual alliances with all these Goyim to fight that one universal enemy “Judaism” which will destroy their Usury scam that they impose on us all to control nations.

I am not ignoring the fact that the world today has serious issues with Islam but one must face the fact that all these issues are manufactured by the same Zio-Cabal who influence and manipulate consensus through (((their))) control of media and creative industries to support (((their))) objectives. The entire programmed image of Islam is to be sure the masses only see that religious dogma as radical when the reality is Islam is Israel’s Trojan horse.

These same Jewish controlling few has during and since WWII managed the image of Fascism and National Socialism, presenting both to the world as the big bad Ogre to be sure it suits the rising JWO.

Islam now sits in that same position of hate, a clear divisive tactic which helps keep Jewish Zionism above suspicion. Yet unlike the outcast ideologies of WWII and the advent of ww.web the cat is out the bag sooner than Jews expected. The world is now seeing through the illusion presented to us, seeing radical Islam for what it really is a commodity of Israel, a fundamentalist movement of non-Muslims paid from the Jewish purse all working towards the goals of Israel /Judaism.

So Jewish Zionism has managed to pit its enemies against each other; Christianity and Islam, Black v White, Catholic v Protestant and the family unit Man v Woman (feminism) etc maybe now it’s time for ALL people to revisit Fascism and National Socialism and study for themselves exactly what distorted version they have been programming us to believe about these 2 ‘fearful’ Ideologies. Keep in mind it is the Victors, the rising regime who create the History. Only then will you be able to have a clear picture of your enemy.

Radio Broadcast interview here. 

Zio-Democracy succeeds only for the Jews and the sooner the unprotected white and other slave races and creeds realise the fact they too are living on borrowed time and somehow engage these short term alliances with all the enemies of Judaism, only then will we succeed in ridding this world of Jew influence and then afterwards we sort out the real detail of all our races and cultures to be sure long term diversity truly is protected.

“History is not the average Briton’s strong point. Indeed, of warlike history he is almost entirely ignorant, the teachers in our national schools having a prejudice against it. Hence, the man in the street has had next to no reason to doubt that Germany was the sole aggressor both in 1914 and 1939.” ~ CAPT. RUSSELL GRENFELL, Royal Navy (1953)

Semantic cosh.

The Zio-puppet Obama and his Jewish PR team (Tabloid/Hollywood and Anti-White Music industry etc) is accelerating even faster a race war from within. US black on white race crimes are endemic.

The Jewish weapon of control “Cultural Marxism has gifted a one sided defence for the darker demograph, a distorted defence full of contradictions which has fired up racial tensions against the now unprotected white. This has successfully pitted races against one another through ie creative vehicles gift wrapped as trendy music, multi-media and I.T ‘Entertainment‘ that psychologically agitates and subverts.

So the unprotected white, not only here in Great Britain but; across Europe and America better see it as a bench mark because whatever happens in the US will soon be happening here, So, for us Europeans being part of the more than competent group who only represent aprox 8/9% of the world population of which only 2% is of child bearing age proves to me that we are in a by proxy Malgenics program” I beleive our people need to sit up and assert their position because your childrens future hangs in the ballance … Now”.

Cultural Marxism is thriving across the western world in the guise of political correctness which leaves us with no defence. In Britain alone this psychological dogma continues to help change the demograph and cultural landscape of our one and only nation to suit the Jew who goes unnoticed in his dirty day to day dealings” on his quest for supremacy, and mark my word; once the balance is tipped that same race war which is kindling in America will happen here too.  

But then we must also consider the loud silence of the same Jew controlled media re Robert Mugabe and his covert policy that encourages the barbarous genocide of white South African farmers which ironically is dislocating south Africa’s employment and rural economic infrastructure. What was once Africas bread basket is now left in ruines in a “well forcasted”strategy of “Planned Obsolescence” for China to walk in and subvert an incompetent group that has failed to sustain a workable infrastructure that was left by the Europeans, this is called moving titles in commerce…. Mugabe policy here.  

All these white attacks today and historical genocide in Europe and contemporary in Africa cannot be a coincidence. Jewish Zionism has orchestrated a global coordinated attack against the Caucasoid, their inherent long term Aryan enemy. The white enemy which has banished them from over 109 countries since AD 250 when each time their parasitic deceptions were discovered.

If you feel it is not affecting you at the moment preferring to bury your head or maybe you are one of the many typical bleeding heart liberals enjoying your short term security! Then what you are doing is deferring the problem for your kids to sort in the future when the overall odds will be far greater than they are for us today. Live with that thought.

‘’Those that give up Liberty for short term security, Deserve neither Liberty or Security’’



11 responses to “The Kosher Puppet Masters.”

  1. Weston Avatar

    When it all hits the fan and comes to our streets and neighbourhoods, and we start to ask what happend, we might all look back and want for better times, blind to the fact that we let those better times disappear by being cojoled into a paradoxically divisive state of ‘multiculturism’ and ‘equality’ for the greater benefit of ‘human rights.’ We are stuck looking at the symptoms of a greater plague (JZ / international financiers), and until it is rooted out this path we are on will only lead to a slow death of blind slavery.

    Our European stock is far better than that, and provided that one person who gives a damn opens their eyes by their own power, it’s far better than 100 of those who we would have to constantly pull to their feet. The difference this one person is driven to make is the difference that will take a nation back to it’s glory. There is no greater power than truth, and with it the den of lies will fall.

  2. Nikos Avatar

    The Zionists have always known there may be a total collapse for them so flooding the information highway with black propaganda has been a tactical strategy, successfully distracting the masses away from identifying the attack is coming directly from the internal enemy ‘Our own occupied Governments’ if the masses cared to look History shows no one was allowed to listen to the warning messages of National Socialism and Fascism because all that information was being bottlenecked through their scaremongering self interest groups to keep the masses running in circles.

    The collapse is inevitable but this time the focus will be inwardly as Social Nationalists across the world from Europe to America! from Mexico to Mongolia! from Syria to China are now at long last being listened to. https://antizionistleague.com/2012/12/22/let-all-the-poisons-that-lurk-in-the-mud-hatch-out/

  3. Leo22 Avatar

    What an eye opener! I sat through 6 hours of your link ‘The greatest story never told’ and cannot believe how much we have been lied to.

    Why has this documentary not been televised as a TV series?

    This alone indicates the amount of control the money changers have over the flow of information which helps manipulate global opinion. This documentry will challenge the most hardened skeptic. http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/#up

  4. Lionheart2.3 Avatar


    The South African ethnic cleansing of whites has been unrelenting since 1994 the blacks have a free immunity dining out card from the communist lead ANC to claim reprisals by whatever means, http://whisnews21.com/2013/02/01/70000-whites-murdered-in-south-africa-since-1994/

  5. Anthus Avatar

    Yes the criminal Banker crime families! all Jewish, right across the globe, all pushing usury and fractional reserve banking to the detriment of mankind! http://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/why-are-americans-totally-oblivious-to-the-fact-that-their-federal-reserve-bank-is-jewish/

  6.  Avatar

    If you beleive that this is not palanned for the whole of Europe then you are kidding yourselves http://whiteresister.com/index.php/stories/802-nelson-mandela-s-rainbow-nation-white-woman-raped-then-stoned-by-racist-blacks-in-south-africa

  7. Malernay Avatar

    The following link will briefly explain the foundation and moral practices of the National Socialist ideology, the exact opposite to what we have been programed to believe, constantly fed to us by the kosher puppet masters.


  8. sangjin2012.host.whoisweb.net Avatar

    You are so awesome! I do not believe I’ve read something like that before.
    So good to discover someone with a few genuine thoughts on this subject.
    Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that’s needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  9. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/oct/13/copyright-mike-weatherley-tory-mp-schools-education Avatar

    According to the declaration issued by the High Percentage in Georgetown,
    Foreign Minister is looking for the earliest resumption of Parliament” as needed by the Earth Rent and also Guyanais Structure. The practical power is the choice of the Member of Parliament to create a government, but often the monarch practices the tradition this option is granted towards the boss of the party most abundant in chairs in the Home of Commons.

    There’s no fixed variety of customers Inside Your Home of Lords, but currently you will find 774 associates – a lot more than in the House of Commons, greater than the mixed residences of the National Congress or even the Indian Parliament (though these two nations possess a national method), and the second-biggest legislative body on the planet (following the Chinese National People’s Congress that will be effectively a rubber stamping body).

    Consequently, 73 members represent specific geographical constituencies chosen from the ‘first past the post’ (FPTP) process, having http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/oct/13/copyright-mike-weatherley-tory-mp-schools-education a further 56 members returned from eight additional associate locations, each choosing eight members.

    However, while in the final week of the 2 – year strategy, the three major functions in the UK Parliament agreed that, when the Scots elected ‘no’, there could be an earlier shift of large additional capabilities towards the Scottish Parliament.

  10. PeterQuiggins Avatar

    Reblogged this on Peter Quiggins (Tierney) ''Killer Culture'' and commented:

    We are in (((their))) real time vortex” (((Their))) planned’emic is (((their))) “Planned Obsolescence”…. Wake up Goyim!

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Alex Lorel

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