(Britons murdered in Britain since the death of Stephen Lawrence)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dx-9Hk135A&w=560&h=315]
Europe is being stage managed downwards.
This is what state controlled descent looks like, the complete opposite to fascism and National Socialism. Europe is being stage managed downwards.
Study the behaviour of both Police and the Zio-Marxist attackers and ask why such a powerful nation as France is unable to control these Zio-Marxist flash mobs.
So what about America ?
3 responses to “Black lives matter !”
[…] Source: Black lives matter ! […]
Hiya Peter, Just thought I’d pop in and say hello as I haven’t seen you on facefook for a long while … I hope everything’s ok with you..
[…] to that which they have set in motion in all our white nations-the destructive Kalergi plan. Putin is just another obedient Zio-Marxist puppet at the head of an army of multi minority attack dogs. […]