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This Marxist politically- correct word-play agenda already takes care of the white mans historic guilt here in GB in the guise of – George Galloway voicing for the Muslims, Operation Black Vote for the obvious, and all Parties left and right catering for Jewish members, all bizarrely fighting for Israel, all being encouraged to retain dual loyalty to their distant culture, and yet the Aryan, is constantly discouraged away from his white heritage, always being portrayed as the voice of malevolence! This is my reasoning (the white voice) bringing attention to the imbalance!
Remember the Muslim, the black man or any of the other misleading distractions, do not own Hollywood, tabloids or the banks, so the white man is not the problem! He is the solution!
The only real white man is the awakened Aryan, anything other can only ever be a socially constructed coward pandering to the 92% of the world’s population of none whites. It is you, yourself who they have made the battleground. It is not the puppets I hate! It is the puppet masters, so before you judge first understand the subject Jewish Zionism
‘The Muslim and the Black man is the sand Jewish Zionism kicks in your face’
6 responses to “The Multicultural con”
Why are all guest cultures encouraged to hold onto their heritage while we are discouraged.
Prior to them being mutilated by the Jewish Bolsheviks
Writing in Illustrated Weekly, Sir Winston Churchill explained:
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others, with the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from Jewish leaders.
We all know who benefited more from the false flag 911
Where have you been all our lives