A right riveting read…
“The judges at the Nuremberg Trials were themselves not immune to the torrents of anti-German hate propaganda, and were already predisposed before the trials ever began to believe any horror story, no matter how fantastic, about the Germans. Another factor which preordained the outcome of the trials was that the accusers also served as investigators, prosecutors and final judges. The trials were also permeated throughout with an atmosphere of Jewish vengeance seeking. Just behind the Gentile front men, most of the lawyers, prosecutors, and investigators were Jews. Hundreds of Jews who could barely speak English disported themselves in American Army officer uniforms. Two of the eight Nuremberg judges were Jews, Robert Falco of France, and Lt. Col. A.F. Volchkov (real name Berkman) of the Soviet Union. The General Prosecutor for the “High Court” was Dr. Jakob Meistner, a Jew. Their dominance and control of the trials was blatant. Even the hangman for the 10 Nazi leaders sentenced to death, Master Sergeant John C. Woods, was a Jew, and the hangings took place on October 16, 1946, the Jewish holiday of “Purim.” In the Book of Esther, the 10 sons of Haman, an enemy of the Jews, were hanged on Purim day. According to Louis Marschalko, a wartime Hungarian journalist who wrote about the trials: “Out of 3,000 people employed on the staff at the Nuremberg Courts, 2,400 were Jews.” The Holocaust story that we all know so well today was developed during the Nuremberg Trials.”
One response to “The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradbury”
Reblogged this on Peter Cooney Enabler and commented:
Judge, jury and executioners, the only case in law that is not allowed to be cited in any Court on this planet. Nothing sus there then.