Juche political system
Unbeknown to us we may have an ally against Zio-Marxist/Maoist China and worldwide Jewish Zionism in the country known as
North Korea!!
The usual reason for Zio-Marxist China and Jewish Zionism to feed us misinformation about a land and its leader is because it is in opposition to (((Zio-democracy))).
North Korea is a nuclear power with 25M+ inhabitants all on military standby in case of an invasion from Zio-China.
China is financed by the (((Jew banking crime families))), consequently this indicates that North Korea may have something to offer nationalism and suggests that the racially aware Caucasoid/Aryan/European folk should pursue a detailed study of North Korea’s political system.
It would be good to know if North Korea truly is a friend or foe to all National Socialists around the world who are beginning to reach out to other nations vulnerable to border-less tyranny.
In his 1955 speech, the first known to refer to Juche, Kim Il-sung stated:
“To make revolution in Korea we must know Korean history and geography as well as the customs of the Korean people. Only then is it possible to educate our people in a way that suits them and to inspire in them an ardent love for their native place and their motherland.”
The concentration on educating indigenous people in their history and culture is a dramatic reversal from the Communist internationalist drive.
Here are some links for starters. 1……... 2, … 3, …
Think about it! The labour and production of our respective countries has been internally sabotaged by (((Zio))) controlled government policy and their shabbos Goy Union leaders to blind-side the workers and allow for the Jew to transfer manufacturing and production to the likes of China and India to take advantage of the cheap communist slave labour that has turned Zio-Communism into a global economic phenomena; It’s only now are we prepared to admit we have been duped and led into an economic disaster because the financial power has been shifted into these so called developing countries and can now see we have thrown the baby out with the bath water!
That was forward thinking of these, so called, mighty Union men encouraging the labour force to accept lower pay or redundancies, or even a liquidation of the company so the Jewish corporatists end up with fewer men to deal with or the company can be bought up in a fire sale into fewer (((hands))), a typical Jewish cycle that keeps us on the hamster wheel wondering what has happened to our industries, ending up with nothing to trade other than out-sourced insurance and consumer driven call centres.
Remember North Korea is not China!
North Korea must be a source of worry to the (((Jew central bankers))). It could even be the trigger to wake up other nations who live in the manufactured illusion that we are free nations.
Interest free banking is the way forward which cant be done unless all Goyim physically remove the wandering Jew/‘immigrant money changers/well poisoners‘ from each of our respective nations.
From my study to date, and if I am to believe what I am seeing, North Korea replaced its initial Zio-Marxist dogma having broken through the illusion of international Jewish Marxism and fine-tuned the real meaning of ‘Socialist’ within its true nationalist context to mean a Protectionist Distributist Ideology = Autocratic Autarky. Now absent of the Zio-marxist’ mentality and replaced with their new ‘Juche way’ on a ‘National’ level meaning for its people making it a ‘Social Nationalist‘ state of clean, healthy and moral living, free from debt, and decadence that cultural Marxism festers.
We Aryan/Caucasoid/European men in the west have been duped by these international Marxists who are spearheading this ‘Democratic freak show’ for their Jew puppet masters in the guise of ‘Democracy’.
Send the freak show back to Gomorra! and give me the ideology that self finances, thrives on common sense and retains a moral compass Nationalist Socialist politics any day. Screw the degenerate Damien Hirst, and the Tracey Emmen mentality; at last it is finally being seen for what it truly is!
‘The emperor’s new clothes’!!.
Racial pride
Meanwhile in applying the ‘Juche way’ it seems North Korea has removed the global village scam that the Jew imposes on us here in the west. Their leader “Kim Jong Un” appears to have recognised that you cannot apply and manage Zio-Marxism globally without causing cultural unrest among a soup mix of different cultures = Cultural Marxism (Political correctness) concluding that it has only one objective ‘to divide communities’. This is why when watching any of the videos about the new leader of North Korea I don’t see any immigrants in senior positions, among any of its military, public or youth during any of these National pride bonding celebrations. The only time I have ever seen national soul wrenching has been during the last 50 or 60 years of propaganda of global hate attached to German folk that vomits from the Jewish lantern ‘TV’. I have overtime learned the true facts surrounding the real German struggle against the Jewish Central Bankers. The ethnic German people were saved by a leader who released them from the bondage (((Jewish Usury))), this German leader also lead his folk into a life of prosperity, all structured in 1933 well before the official recorded date of the beginning of WWII in late 1939.
Are we now seeing the same established Hollywood dialectic clichés being applied to the North Koreans to steer us once again in the wrong direction.
To date!
I have read that the father of the ‘Juche way’ Kim Il-Sung recognised in the early days that he was being manipulated and that Zio-Marxism could only ever suit a higher master. I can only assume at this point that he must have recognised without saying out loud, the Jewish Zio-agenda. If this is the case; no wonder the Jewish banker crime families are trying to smash North Korea and their Juche! It is like one of their own has defected; a rogue missile!
The track record would seem similar to that of Gaddafi with his little Green Book and Saddam both we were falsely told were ‘evil monsters’, when in reality Gaddafi and Sadam applied a similar Social method for their people by eventually out-casting the money changers and replacing with a type of interest free currency. The Jew global debt collectors did/do not like their prime method of power being cut.
Yes we are all ‘Socialists! and our last line of defence when were sinking are national principles but the controllers advocate ‘Zio-Marxism = internationalism’. a bastardized version of Socialism advocated by Jewish Karl Marx with his Central Banker friends, who program it through their insular blood line to the goyim, as a noble struggle through Jew media and their (((trade Unions))). With all this misinformation the masses cannot differentiate between what protects and what kills because the psychological challenges of cultural Marxism is a dialectic challenge.
Zio-Marxism/internationalism advocates the global village scam and forces integration to kill diversity, tearing down national borders under the illusion of ‘free trade’, while outsourcing industry to cheap labour, and imports and exports people across the globe like merchandise. The illusion is a ‘global village’ with a disposable/plastic ‘lifestyle’ with coca cola and MacDonald’s to match; the reality is a world and people levelled to the lowest common denominator without history, culture or identity. This sits perfectly with the Jew bankers and to helps them achieve total Globalization by funding both sides “Corporatism and Communism” which are two sides of the same coin.
The majority of these Zio-Marxists don’t even realize they are in self destruct because deciding factors have programmed each to stop them thinking for themselves which is protecting Jewish Imperialism/Supremisism‘!
All roads lead to Israel, the bolt hole for in the loop perverts and plunderers!
The true Socialist is the real enemy of international Corporatism and North Korea’s Juche is the example.
Early days.
North Korea started in the early 50’s when it formulated its constitution it naively and wrongfully attached itself to Marxism and Leninism. It wasn’t until the leader Kim il Sing started to implement the ideology that the country’s then leader recognized he was being manipulated by outside influences ‘namely the Jewish criminal banker families’ and decided overtime to discard all that Zio-influence and introduce and manage an organic interpretation that would protect and benefit his folk and nation. This is why the Jewish occupied west regarded him, and now his son today Kim Jong Un as an enemy of the Global regime because he refuses debt preferring to use protectionist and distributionism = “Autocratic Autarky” that has made the nation solvent, independent and self-sufficient which keeps them on military stand by at all times.
Are we in reality being programmed to hate something we should be applauding!
It is also the reason why Gaddafi of Libya is dead and the same reason why we are told to hate Assad and Hezbollah in Syria they too seem to be using these methods for their nations.
North Korea is ‘NOT’ a Communist country like we are being programmed to believe. Militarily they are in fact in a self-defence mode against the advance of the Global Jewish banker crime families who are forcibly trying to advocate Zio-Democracy!!
lol … ‘Zio-Democracy’ at the point of a f…n gun!!
‘Get into Central Bank debt or we will put economic sanctions on you to the tune of “$60+ billion” and starve you and your people out like we are doing in Syria, Libya, Palestine, and did to the Germans back in 1933’ Oy Vey!!
Unlike these Middle Eastern countries North Korea is well advanced in nuclear defence which is why they rightfully retain the balance of power in that region. It doesn’t matter how globally huge the Zionist ogre is. When it comes to the finger on the button and the threat of invasion from Israel! North Korea’s fingers are the same size, that creates a stale mate for the (((Jew Banker families))).
So there we have it! Solvent North Korea refuses to accept debt slavery unlike Zio-occupied South Korea, drenched in global debt yet blind to it because it’s folk are suffocated with the Rabbis lantern Tv which encourages plastic lifestyles and credit card consumerism that they think they are doing well not realising the calculation concludes that their assets really belong to the (((criminal bankers))).
A similar thing seems to be happening around the world in some of these former Communist countries Bolivia and Venezuela etc.. are they also seeing through the illusion of cultural Marxism, compound debt usury (Fractional reserve banking) are they discarding these (((international supremacists))) and reverting back to protectionism, local-ism = Autarky nationally in order to rebuild their economy bottom upwards instead of capitalist top downwards as well as protecting it’s culture.
Why would Juche advocate for private ownership for entrepreneurs so long as it benefits the greater nation which is a key point.
I think maybe what’s happened is Kim Jung-il has chosen the right son for the job, though it’s a mystery as to why the other two sons weren’t considered first, unless they were got to while in Switzerland. When Kim Jong-il found out he was dying he must have then taken out the word Communism from the Constitution, died and now the executions begin because North Korea really has found its feet, especially in this world wide National Socialist rebirth that is becoming relentless on the you know who.
One argument against this theory is called ‘The Perestroika deception’ but it could be another googly placed to confuse the Europeans, another dialectic challenging us moving forward ….
Welcome to the nightmare!!
The diplomatic triangle of Mongolia-Japan-North Korea
Japan’s nationalist lurch dents U.S. hopes for stability, alliance, Japanese politicians’ provocative remarks trouble Washington’s strategy in Northeast Asia .
Zionist hate propaganda against North Korea
Propaganda against North Korea
The Spanish Aristocrat Who Works For North Korea
First couple of lines here “North Korea’s Juche (literally self-reliance). Idea was improvised in the 1950s for the purpose of cutting off the Soviet Union’s influence…”
From Kim Jong il Juche …
North Korea has very strict border controls and no-one except DPRK people in the higher ranks of office.
I think these idiots in the United Kingdom in this article are managing the image of North Korea to be seen as Communist for a reason
South Korea owes a massive debt to Jewish occupied America the South Koreans had a revolution, and the guy who led was assassinated in 1979
Independent self-sufficient North Korea
North Korea looks towards Hitler
Mein Kampf how would the Jew media spin this ?
North Korean Motorcycle Diaries
You have to see this:
And this:
The first line of their Constitution, among many lines, is a perfect!
“The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a socialist fatherland…”
list of diplomatic missions in North Korea.
North Korea disappointment with Cuba
The China connection-Jews in China
A Jewish Dynasty in a Changing China
This is a Communist contradiction re Hong Kong “billionaire” Li Ka-shing is leading a $10 million investment round in Israeli start-up Tipa,
China is also having problems with nationalists who are now advocating high culture and heritage it seems Marxist/Maoist Communism may be losing its strong hold there too.
Equadors Correa
Ecuador re-elects Rafael Correa to third term.
The Yiddish Ambush – Remember this!!….. WWII was the death of “good” and the survival of “evil”.
by KIM IL SUNG, JUCHE 80 (1991)
6 responses to “What is Juche ?”
[…] https://peterquiggins.wordpress.com/2016/08/11/what-is-ju-che/ […]
[…] contradict what we are being programmed to believe North Korea to be? Well read the attached link here yourself before you make a pre-programmed […]
Many of the things you say are true and I must agree with them. But to keep on needling the issue by spreading hate, I cannot see how that is helping things. That is why I made the comments earlier on a variety of the other comments, the other pages. I do not have your kind of education to really comment on any of this but I know that you would have had quite a time with Hitler, and he would have disagreed with much of it. My father used to be an intimate member of the Nazi Party (when he was alive); after the war, they (the Allies) put him on trial and could not sentence him because there were no papers to do so. Only the highest of the participants in this party could get away without papers! As it is, he never spoke about anything that pertained to the war afterwards. One thing I know for sure, he was very disappointed about the outcome of the whole thing. What I know is that the so-called history of that time period is nothing but lies and things where much more logic than they (the Allies) make us believe. It certainly was not the Germans who were necessarily the bad guys. They were forced into many actions. I will leave it at that since I am getting too old to really do anything about anything anymore. I just want to live out the rest of my life in peace and not go through the 40s, 50s, again. I had enough!
Much respect to your father it seems you were unable to reach him having been schooled and programmed to distance yourself from his kind because that is how you described the man as a “Nazi”
The fact is he was a National Socialist not the Jew rhetoric they now attach to him. Just that epithet alone is full of “hate” disrespect and contempt for your father.
The Germans were on the right side they did nothing wrong other than defend Europe when the (((criminal Banker families))) were trying to re establish their Usury system using proxy nations as their Trojan horse under the auspices of “racism” anti-semitism and homophobia.
You need to reattach yourself to the spirit of your father and folk and turn your disappointment into something more positive and forget all the self guilt flagellation.
The Nuremberg trials was a Jew set up …..
Read … .read and free your people Germany is sinking
What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened?
All Germans need to know this …….(((Zuckerburg))) is deleting links to this article in order to silence the remedy.
…………”Constitutional Scholars Beware – The Feder Model”………….
Copy and paste the above script into Google and splash it around all the forums.
“The time it has come, with 73 years done for Germany to trigger “Article 146”
That article says, for all Germans ways are to be held uniform and free for all Germans in Germany, not, as is the case for the Fatherland to continue in perpetual occupation of their nations. The J’sh converso Brother Nathaniel is bringing up this sensitive matter on his youtube page making sure it stays within their controlling network.
Is this what you love to hate?
“(((Central Banking)))” or “Interest Free”?
When the Jews went to North Korea