All these, so called’ terrorist attacks and killings in France and across Europe, are being done by the same groups advocating Sharia law under the guise of Islam, all are in fact advancing Talmudic law by proxy. Zionism and Islam are completely different but, to anger us into action we are being led to believe otherwise. Jew media will not identify Zionism as being behind the young Turks’ and the Sabbatean so called Muslims” Radical Islam is, Zionism”.
The objective of all these black ops operations is to achieve mass consent to whatever Jew control needs consent for.
New religious freedom laws will soon follow, not to protect religion but to protect those who use religion to protect their race. This will allow the Jew to continue on it’s destructive course unhindered. Meanwhile if we do nothing to address the Jew question‘ we will continue to suffer the indignity of marauds of their lawless voting guests who are being allowed to wreak havoc and chaos across Europe.
Jew controll has the true nationalist cause across europe in his sights. Take for instance the British National Party when it was compromised the day Nick Griffin, like a good little puppet, changed BNP policy to allow the Kalergi import to join the ranks. For all you mealy mouthed bleeding heart liberals who expand the Kalergi tribe of laboratory guinea pigs the change was not about the ‘black issue’ as portrayed by the Jewish media causing racial tensions. It was actually to protect the economic and cult interests of the sinister Talmudic tribe. This was a cunning tactic by a Zionist institution –the Equalities Commission to penetrate ethnic European organisations and was nothing more than securing the position of the Jews because up until then the Jews were in a vulnerable position.
I will repeat once again, Sabbateans and Young Turks are not Muslims, they are Jew converts = Talmudic Zionists doing black ops to clash Christianity and Islam in an attempt to crush both …………..
Who benefits more ?
The “False Flag” is a Jewish political manoeuvre used to distract and conceal for the purposes of furthering Jewish interests. Though there have been many the most infamous ‘False Flag’ of recent years was 911. Cont….
Israeli commodity! Radical Islam = Talmudic Zionism –
We have all done it for years sat and stared in complete confusion at the Jewish lantern called ‘TV’ vomiting out the toilet news overloading our brain with the scat complexities of the Middle Eastern political conflicts. This leaves us in a quandary-at a loss to work out who are the good guys and who are the bad, who we should support and who to attack, who is right and who are the instigators, orchestrated and staged to do just that., Confuse,,, Cont.
The Jewish Component of the Young Turks.
The Donmè (“convert” in Turkish), was a Hebrew heresy whose followers converted [?] to Islam in the 18th century. They were most heavily concentrated in Thessaloniki. According to the Great Hellenic Encyclopedia [Megali Elliniki Enkiklopethia]: “It is generally accepted that the Donmè secretly continue to adhere to the Hebrew religion and don’t allow their kind to intermarry with the Muslims.”
The disproportionate power and influence (in light of their number) that the Donmè had on both the Ottoman Empire and on the Young Turk movement has been the subject of a great deal of commentary by many observers and researchers. The eminent British historian, R. Seton Watson, in his book, The Rise of Nationality in the Balkans. London, 1917 (H Gennisi tou Ethnikismou sta Valkania), wrote the following: “The real brains behind the [Itihàt] movement were Jews or Islamic-Jews. The wealthy Donmè and Jews of Thessaloniki supported [the Young Turks] economically, and their fellow Jewish capitalists in Vienna and Berlin — as well as in Budapest and possibly Paris and London — supported them financially as well.
In the January 23rd, 1914, issue of the Czarist Police [Okrana] Ledger (Number 16609), directed to the Ministry of the Exterior in Saint Petersburg, we read: “A pan-Islamic convention of Itihàts and Jews was held in the Nouri Osman lodge in Constantinople. It was attended by approximately 700 prominent Itihàts and Jews, including “Minister” Talaàt Bey, Bentri Bey, Mbekri Bey, and (Donmè) Javit Bey. Among the many Jews in attendance, two of the most prominent were the Head of the Security Service, Samouel Effendi, and the Vice-Administrator of the Police, Abraham Bey.” Continue ..
All roads lead to Israel – Video here
Yes it has all been said before. Don’t believe me’ Then listen to this insignificant guy!
Now sit back, relax and watch this interesting movie, it will give you insight as to the Talmudic game being played out. Movie.
2 responses to “Black Ops – Paris ….”
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Wesley clark wants to put you “radicals” in prison while we are at perpetual war with terrorism created by the Mossad and CIA