This is a special request for those asking how Germany became the second strongest economy in the world after the Weimar Marxist Republic (Jewish Zionism = Democracy) had succeeded in bringing the German economy to its knees a classic Jewish method. ”1918 saw the forced abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm and seizure of Government by the traitors and criminals of the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) supported by the Jewish Bolshevik Communist Party of Germany (KPD) who constructed the Weimar Republic. Once in place wealthy Jews were stepping over the bodies of ethnic Germans on their way to smart restaurants” Anti Zionist League 2014 These were the real parasites responsible for destroying Germany’s monarchy and implementing the Jewish Weimar Republic to control Banking, Industry, culture and food. Berlin, ‘morally decadent’ was in fact… ‘Babylon’ …..
To get to the full ”impact” and ”understanding” of this chapter when reading move cursor onto photographs or highlighted words and press to open links.
The Germans were covertly forced in to mass unemployment and were being morally crushed through a well orchestrated governmental program that led to the ethnic Germans starving in the streets. Lucky for the German people the third Reich took control and soon elected a true visionary! A new chancellor it only took this guy 3 years to turn the German economy into a super economy from 1933 to 1936, alongside re-establishing cultural and moral pride back into his European folk.
But in revenge for the German initiative of side stepping them, the Jewish bankers from the outset declared war on the Germans by globally sponsoring Jewish Marxism and then by Globally influencing the boycotting of German goods from 1933. Just like they do today with Syria, Libya, and Palestine and other nations who fall off the Debt Usury wagon. Freeze offshore accounts, blockade food and commerce.
It was 6 years from 1933 to 1939 before Germany reacted to the Jewish banker crime family syndicate. Unsuccessfully Germany tried to warn the rest of Europe about the money changers and did attempt to liberate our European folk away from Jewish Marxism and their Zionist sponsors by banishing the same Jewish banker crime families and removing that blood line influence out of the German civil and Legal network – The rest is manufactured Hollywood history for the benefit of the sheep!
But the best has always been HIDDEN just incase we demand that same lucrative economy for our nation ! We have inherited the Chicken and Egg syndrome – Holodomor or Holocaust ! What come first – The Jewish led Bolshevik genocide of the Europeans = Holodomor 16.5m 1930
or was the success of the allied victory an opportunity to hide the crimes of the Jews through the profitable Shoah industry called the Holocaust 1944?
Was this namesake a coincidence or a calculated deception to graft suspicion away from the Jewish criminal banker family syndicate, the Jewish bankers were the real cause of the European friction as they still continue to be so to this day.
Now here is a challenge for all you Marxists and bleeding heart liberals, who are knowingly or unknowingly contributing to flushing ‘All Cultures’ down Shylock’s toilet, enabled through the Jewish rouse of Cultural Marxism or better known as ‘Politically Correctness‘.
The ultimate benefactors of this rouse are those Jewish Zionists, a prosperous little community embedded locally, nationally and internationally in government and its civil service infrastructure always holding senior positions of influence, to be certain of strangulating, at every juncture the civil liberties of the indigenous European peoples of the targeted host nation.
By birth right alone, in whatever host nation they reside in they inherit an innate split loyalty and dual citizenship to Israel (Aliyah).
How can you hold two passports and have loyalty to only one nation!
Judaism is not a religion it is the worlds biggest ‘Accountant’ and ‘death cult‘ remove the controlling power from the Beast by – Criminalizing interest bearing Usury.
So why all the fuss, globally over the European religious symbol! The Swastika”
Wake up to the money changers before they completely neutralise us all.
Now press this link, don’t just dismiss the content of the 27 banned videos.
Afterwards just try in your ‘Brains Washed’ minds to consider it!
Now listen to what the ‘Black’ man is saying! PRESS THIS LINK
Tabloids, school books etc remove the power from the beast
”Criminalise interest bearing Usury” today !!
Think outside the box and your family’s just may have a chance !!
Criminalise interest bearing Usury !!!!
Now see if you can deal with these 27 short ‘Truthful’ videos videos they darn’t let you see! here.
Say yes to interest free USURY today !!
Yes the stinking sinking ship of vulgar Ho£ocas$ Porn –
Is there an alternative ? Yes – 1, .. 2, ..
The solution is in the enemy of Globalization, A Protectionist and Distrabutionist Government, and an interest free monetary system. Remember the invasion of Poland by the Germans was a Jewish Bolshevik set up.
”We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank.”
9 responses to “The Challenge !”
How Jews vulgarized Germany
Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler had come to power.
“Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished.
The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants.
It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth.
Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them”.
[…] Now take the Challenge!! press here. […]
[…] Adolf Hitler saw the wisdom of Dearborn’s own Henry Ford’s idea to make a motor car available to each and every working man at affordable cost and in any colour as long as it’s black, as his famous saying goes. For further reading please click this link: Link. […]
[…] contradictions that will eventually make you race conscious, as well as in faith and spirit. Only National Socialism restores our connection with race, faith, and spirit. ….. Knock!! Knock!! We’re here to […]
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Thanks Elli …….
You are very welcome ✋
Excellent essay, just one simple missing link, it all kicked off in Ireland,”an Gorta Mór” the great starvation, for the City of London landlords.