The Israeli commodity! Radical Islam.
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I am sure people must realise by now we are being misinformed by the controld media, pointing us in the wrong direction, to be sure Jews globally achieve the right result. Israel/Jews need to collide both religions’ Christianity and Islam’ which is why they created a global enemy ”Radical Islam” their puppet to cause chaos across the globe, changing the mood to favour Zionist Jews..
To control the opposition become the opposition.
We have all done it for years sat and stared in complete confusion at the Jewish lantern” TV’ vomiting out the toilet news, overloading our brain with the scat complexities of Middle Eastern political conflicts. This leaves us in a quandary-at a loss to work out who are the good guys and who are the bad, who we should support and who to attack, who is right and who are the instigators, orchestrated and staged to do just that., Confuse.
The recent execution in London of the British soldier is a prime example of Shylocks media setting Western ‘society’ on a wrong direction manipulated by Jewish Zionist ideology this poor soldier has been targeted like a sacrificial lamb at the hands of Third World Zionist pawns. To be sure it changes the mood of the nation to point the blame once again in the wrong direction while the Kabbalist elite few sit comfortably conspiring to unload further vile depraved ‘tactical’ distractions on us. They have managed to make visual catastrophes like this so ‘fashionable’ and lay collective blame in whatever direction suits Jewish Zionism particularly Muslims a people it is in Jewish interests for all to hate, no different to what we have been indoctrinated to believe about the Germans during WWII but in this case, to collectively target and outcast these Arab and Muslim nations to help uphold the illusion of Democracy here in the west, while at the same time giving them permission to crush Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria. Meanwhile the same funded radical organisation continue to destabilise Africa.
The London attack, It didn’t take long for Anjem Choudry to appear after the symbolic slaughter of the soldier, Choudry was almost first on the scene for his Zionist paymasters to be sure the PR of hate is being channelled in the right direction following the macabre news. His carefully scripted piece of rhetoric was to once again mislead and push the blame towards what we have been manipulated to believe is the Muslim sending us a fundamental Islamic warning, a stern warning from the puppet masters to keep us all shadow boxing.
‘Hate preacher Anjem Choudary tonight claimed he was pictured at an Islamist demonstration side by side with a man accused of murdering a soldier in Woolwich. The man, identified by Choudary as Michael Adebolajo, 28, is seen in footage from 2007 standing behind the fanatic holding a placard which says ‘Crusade Against Muslims’!
Well take this into account before you make judgement. Here is some information that Jewish headlines steer you away from. Israel al-Qaeda ties out in the open: Kevin Barrett
Anjem Choudry has already been linked to Al Queida. Al Queida is now openly allied to Israel! A small insight as to why Israel never gets attacked! It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Jewish Zionism = Israel. Therefore those allied with Israel are also allied with Jewish Zionism – Osama Bin Laden/Al-Qaeda,Taliban, Mujahideen, Muslim Brotherhood, Caliphates, Wahhabism, Banu Qaynuqa tribe, the FSA (Free Syrian Army), Mista’ Arvim, and now ISIS funded by the Saudi Wahhabi Royals (Cousins to the Jews). These takfiri (non Muslim) are all puppets of Israel arming the insurgence. It is the Shia and Sunny muslim leaders who should unite to weaken the Zionist ability to divide with the help of Hezbollah who are the ultimate enemy of Jewish Zionism.
ISIS in Iraq – specialises in killing Yezidis and Christians. Al Shabab in Somalia – specialises in killing Kenyan Christians. Boko Haram in Nigeria, specialises in raping Christian girls. Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, specialises in killing Hindus. Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh, specialises in killing Hindus and Buddhists. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, specialises in killing Christian Copts.
BUT all these groups are the same organisation brandishing a different name, killing different kinds of gentile. There’s nothing Muslim about these Takfir dogs of war – All roads lead to ISRAEL – Radical Islam is Zionism.
There are groups in Britain supported by Israel (Jewish Zionism) such as Anonymous, EDL, Anjem Choudary/Abu Qatada, Abu Hamza Masri/Omar Bakri Muhammad, PEGIDA, and here are some of the tactics being used on you in this one party state including deep seated Jewish 5th columnists within Islam/Sabbatean and Young Turks are in reality Jews.
The MI5 links (proxy mossad agency) are a false flag distraction to mislead the sleeping mass into believing they are pursuing radical Islam to steers you away from the real perpetrators ‘The enemy within’ gelled through an infrastructure of Gate Keepers
All these attacks by these bought and paid for Takfiri agitators are strategically planned to achieve one fundamental objective to change laws which would ultimately have safeguarded against the advance of the Ideology driving this madness. Post 1917 in the Jewish Bolshevik regime ‘anti-Semitism’ was a ‘crime’ punishable by death. Today Jewish groups like the anti-defamation league (ADL) of B’nai B’rith pursue the ‘anti-Semite’ or material as if it were a crime. What we are seeing is the emergence of the ‘thought police‘. The ‘hatred’ occurred as you realise Jewish criminality. The crime is exposing Jewish atrocities. Laws will soon be changed to protect the regime against truth, to be sure of the collective silence of opinion, while the Takfir Zionist shill Anjem Choudrys provocative sing along advocating shariah law on the streets of Britain is a Jewish rouse, advocating Talmudic law by proxy.
Information is being delivered to us through a narrow band width of a discarded toilet roll making sure it delivers us back into the hands of the Jewish Zionist banker crime families.
Ask yourself who benefits more from all this? Who slips in the back door?
Who owns the media and Hollywood controlling what we think? Who owns the banks? Who can’t we criticise? Who has been impervious to all criticism for decades? Who controls your town Halls, Government, and the Shetar legal sytem! Who allowed all this so called Terrorism in to our Country?
To those who study and dissect the subject it is an obvious further attack by Israel = Jewish Zionism !
Is this what our forefathers fought for in the World Wars? Jewish Zionism was responsible for arming both sides during the 2 world wars. Jewish Zionism arming the Jewish led Bolsheviks to bring the noble Germans back under the control of the Jewish Banker Crime Families, unbeknown to our forefathers they were blindly and sacrificially fighting for Jewish Zionism and now we all suffer in the almost success of its psychopathic destiny.
I deeply respect and salute my relatives, although hoodwinked, bravely died during the WWI/II I also salute their brothers in arms who were made to fight brother against brother, including those empire Nationalists from the so called British colonies who fought relentlessly alongside their German allies as Waffen compatriots to rid their own countries and borders of Zionist occupation, lives wasted during WWI/II. At least they had identified their enemy. But its a sickening to think many of our boys were wasted blindly fighting under the cloak of lies and deception being fed to them just to empower these Zionist Jewish criminal banking families and still the Jew continues to hide the truth.
“Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervour, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
— Julius Caesar, Shakespeare.
The sleeping masses are following an unnatural manufactured ideology of Marxist Socialism constructed by Jewish Zionism. This through the guilt trip of political correctness and multiculturalism fed to them by the Jewish Zionist elite through the illusion of Democracy intentionally driving us to a wall of disaster of Jewish Zionist imperialism and Jewish supremacism.
Marxist socialism is a distorted version of the true Socialist = to (Distribute)! Nationalist = to (Protect)! Social Nationalist is the purest form of socialism that each nation should be implementing in each of its own countries. The Social Nationalist is for the preservation of a nation and its people. It is about preserving diversity, protecting its asset wealth making sure it circulates and distributes among its own people.
The Social Nationalists are the champions of diversity against multiculturalism and politically correctness which is slowly killing our people through diluting our blood stock we are being controlled by Jewish psychological terrorism which confuses the mass into complying to their one sided issue.
This one example of the sick one sided psychology being used against us to keep us passive and in order!
Think about what a black man feels when he voices confidently ‘he is proud to be black’. Now think about how the rage that same black man feels if you were to declare ‘I am proud to be white’. Now look into yourself and see how much of a coward they have made you! They have removed your soul by consent. Don’t dare try and tell me this distorted ideology is not about attacking race when the reality is a race attacking us gentile. I am awakened! Join the fight back before its too late. Multiculturalism destroys diversity and questions identity. Diversity dies with the European tribe.
The next war being manipulated by Jewish Zionism! Iran!
Save our culture and our blood stock crush Jewish Zionism before it finally crushes our European tribe.
Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Palestine for the Palestinians! But all white countries for everyone, is this for real. We are at war with an enemy within.
Support the landless Jew tribe who have no land, but occupy all lands, Support their plight to recognize the final solution.
The Global Village scam – The symbiotic relationship between Jewish Zionism and Marxism, to advance the global village. Jewish Zionism drives Internationalism – Internationalism drives and encourages consumerism – Internationalism needs all international borders open and ultimately benefits from the Global village – Cultural Marxism (Political correctness) advocates the global village – Marxism wants all international borders open – Internationally Marxism is well organised, publicised and solvent, and the world still thinks it’s just another organic phenomena. Jewish Zionism and Marxism are good buddies £££££$$$$ ! Its ultimate goal is to kill off individual races so no race has an identity other than to identify to the one world order.
Marxists are the foot soldiers of Jewish Zionists. Welcome to the Matrix Global Village scam –
Remove its power ‘Criminalise Usury today’ All money is created out of debt and lent out with the application of ”interest” it can not ever be paid off, we have been entrapped in a criminal Jewish spiral. Remove its power, Demand an interest free monetary system. If you think the mess across the planet can’t get any worse then you are living in cloud cuckoo land a massive disaster is on the horizon, if you want justice start talking about the Jewish criminal banker families and take away their power. Talk openly about the Jewish criminal Banker families. Say yes to localism = To Protect and Distribute
“Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable without Zionism.” (Harper’s Encyclopaedia of United States History, Vol. X, “Zionists”).
Multiculturalism kills Diversity!
5 responses to “The Israeli commodity! Radical Islam.”
MOSSAD playing ‘dress-up’ terrorist…
[…] Source: The Israeli commodity! Radical Islam. | peter quiggins (Tierney) ”Killer Culture” […]
[…] Source:Peter Quiggins […]
[…] the wider world. The objective is to distract and use us to fight their battles-Wars for Israel. Radical Islam and terrorism is the war cry of the Jew Media in the knowledge that radical Islam is far from being […]
[…] […]